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Dies ist unsere Sektion von Pflanzen, die etwas Kälte ertragen können. Manche können nur kühles Wetter und leichten Frost ertragen, aber manche andere können in kälteren Klima straken Frost aushalten. Sie sind alle sehr verschieden, aber sie verdienen es mal ausprobiert zu werden, denn all diese tropisch aussehenden Pflanzen haben nicht tropische Bedürfnisse. Sie werden sicherlich in meditteranen Klimazonen draußen gedeihen oder in einem mild geheizten Treibhaus, in dem Frost nicht aufkommen kann.
This small, thin palm is one of the hardiest Chamaedoreas and can take frost to about -6 C. It grows very fast, especially when young.
This easy-growing palm is widespread in Central America and it is often compared to bamboo, because of its habit. It is quite hardy to cold and drought and can take frost to about -3 C. It is also an excellent indoor plant so it can decorate your house during the coldest months with no setback.
Magnificent palm endemic to a small area in New Caledonia, with a showy ringed trunk, yellow crownshaft and stiff arching leaves, with a salmon-coloured new leaf.
Large feather-leaved palm with a spectacular red new leaf, which stays red for up to 10 days. It is native to the forests of New Caledonia, where it occurs from sea level to over 1.000 m. Chambeyronia tolerates cool and wet conditions and light frosts. It thrives outdoors in Mediterranean conditions. It can also be grown indoors as a house plant but it...
Large feather-leaved palm with a spectacular red new leaf, which stays red for up to 10 days. It is native to the forests of New Caledonia, where it occurs from sea level to over 1.000 m. Chambeyronia tolerates cool and wet conditions and light frosts. It thrives outdoors in Mediterranean conditions. It can also be grown indoors as a house plant but it...
Small shrub with wavy, grey leaves and clusters of rose-pink flowers, about 5 cm across. It takes harsh mediterranean conditions and frost to about -12 C. Cistus x Pulverulentus is a garden hybrid, obtained by crossing Cistus albidus x Cistus crispus. It has an extended flowering season, much longer than the average Cistus.
This is the most cold-tolerant species in its genus. Clinostigmas are quintessentially tropical palms from the ever-wet slopes of the Pacific Islands, with very long crownshafts and arching leaves with very exotic drooping segments.
This is said to be the cold-hardiest or one of the most resistant of all edible taros. It is also ornamental, with pinkcolour in the leaf petioles and main veins.
Frost hardy selection of Cordyline australis, with spectacular burgundy red leaves. It eventually becomes a tall branched palm-like tree, hardy to frost! It grows outdoors in Temperate to Subtropical conditions and does equally well in London or in the Canary Islands.
Pot = 6 cm, Branched Plant - Elegant, shrubby South African succulent with blueish ovate leaves. It thrives in Mediterranean climates and takes frosts to about -4 C. It is widely used in South African traditional medicine.
Cont.= 8,5 cm. This Crassula is one of the most colourful of all. When put out in full sun it turns on as a campfire. Another name used for it was 'Flame'. It stands temperatures of about -2 C.
NEW ! - Pack 3 cuttings of 5-7 cm. "Lactea" in Latin means "Milky". This South African succulent bears fragrant milky-white flowers in winter, lasting several weeks. A neat branched plant with short broad leaves.
NEW! - Cont.= 8,5 cm. Leaves are regularly spaced on the stems, reminiscent of a necklace. Some people believe it is a form of Crsssula perforata. It stands temperatures of -5 C with little or no damage.
This swamp crinum is native to Texas, to So.Carolina, Mexico and some Caribbean islands. It loves water and it can fit in your pond, but it can also thrive in a simple pot. Leaves are erect and plants clump slowly. It taks frost!
This is one of the cold resistant forms of the learge green-leaved Crinum from the Pacific ocean. It comes from the South of Japan and can take short frosts. It grows well outdoors in Mediterranean conditions.
This flowering bulb native to South Africa grows into a large clump of elegant flat wide leaves, up to 1 m long. Bulbs are very large, up to 20 cm in diameter and the mostly stay above soil. It is a supreme Crinum for the garden and takes light frost. We ship a gigantic bulb, ready to bloom in less than one year.
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