Billbergia x Muriel Waterman

Hybrid of excellent quality, developed in 1946. It is a tube-like bromeliad with pink-purple leaves, banded in silvery-white. The short-lasting inflorescence has incredible colours, but leaves are very beautiful, even alone.

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Billbergia x Muriel Waterman is an old hybrid of excellent quality, created by Foster in 1946.  It is a tube-like bromeliad with pink-purple leaves, banded in silvery-white, 30-40 cm tall. The short-lasting inflorescence has incredible colours, but leaves are very beautiful, even alone. Give it bright shade or morning sun.

The best description is this interesting note written by Foster himself:

Billbergia ‘Muriel Waterman’ by M Foster in Brom.Soc. Bull. 7(3): 41. 1957

Billbergia X "Muriel Waterman" M. B. Foster hybr. nov. (Billbergia horrida var. tigrina X B. Euphemia var. purpurea) M. B. Foster No. 3018 (Type in U.S. Nat'l Herbarium)

This new hybrid was made in 1946 and flowered in 1950 for the first time. It is certainly a most striking and stunning plant whether in flower or not. The semi-nodding inflorescence does not carry the delicate pastel colors of pink and blue that was the contribution of B. euphemia var. purpurea because the transparent blue-green petals of B. horrida var. tigrina pulled them down to a more earthy combination of dull pink bracts and steel blue flowers. Every compensation was made, however, to a complete climax in the combination of the reddish purple leaved Euphemia which created a blend of a rich plum colored background highlighted with vivid silver grey bands which were donated by B. horrida. Read the full text here.

We offer one robust rooted pup of Billbergia x Muriel Waterman, of 20-25 cm, able to flower in one year. We ship it worldwide.

Visit THIS LINK and see pictures of our plants on the packing desk and learn more about what we ship, including some bromeliads.

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Anbau Innenanbau
Herkunft der Arten Amerika
Präsentation Freiliegende Wurzeln
Maximale Größe 30cm-40cm
Botanische Familie Bromeliaceae
Lichtbedürfnis Sonne
Mindesttemperatur im Winter 0 ºC bis 10 ºC
Blütezeit Frühjahr
Pflanzentyp krautartig
Pflegebedürfnis Blumentopf
Wuchsform Perennierend
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