Chambeyronia houailouensis

Magnificent palm endemic to a small area in New Caledonia, with a showy ringed trunk, yellow crownshaft and stiff arching leaves, with a salmon-coloured new leaf.

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Magnificent palm endemic to a small area in New Caledonia, with a showy ringed trunk, yellow crownshaft and stiff arching leaves, with a salmon-coloured new leaf.

This palm was known from the 90's as Chambeyronia sp. Houailou and it was only grown by collectors and botanical gardens. It was described in 2021 as a new species.

It is very ornamental as a juvenile, because it bears large leaves with few wide leaflets. It is slow growing and more resistant to wind than Chambeyronia macrocarpa.
Anbau Innenanbau
Herkunft der Arten Oceanien
Präsentation Eingetopft in Erde Mischung
Maximale Größe 300cm und mehr
Botanische Familie Arecaceae
Lichtbedürfnis Durchschnittliches Licht
Mindesttemperatur im Winter -5 ºC bis 5 ºC
Pflanzentyp verholzend
Farbe Rot
Farbe Grün
Pflegebedürfnis Blumentopf
Pflegebedürfnis Zimmerpflanzen
Wuchsform Palmenähnlichen Pflanzen