Clivia miniata variegata 'Shima Fu'

This clone produces good orange-red typical miniata flowers. Variegated clivias are just slower to grow and they cannot be reproduced easily by seed, as most of the progeny is non-variegated green, albino or shows weak variegation.

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107,30 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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This clone produces good orange-red typical miniata flowers. Variegated clivias are just slower to grow and they cannot be reproduced easily by seed, as most of the progeny is non-variegated green, albino or shows weak variegation. A variegated specimen will be a highlight in any Clivia collection, also because variegated clivias are still uncommon in cultivation. They keep the showy abundant flowers and the gorgeous dark green leaves with the additional beauty of variegation.
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