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Zykaden sind eien Gruppe von einfachen Pflanzen, die in ihrer Form Palmen und Farnen ähneln. Sie sind nacktsamige Pflanzen, in der Gruppe der Cykadales, das bedeuet, dass sie keine Blüten, jedoch haben sie Zapfen, wie Pinien und andere Koniferen. Man kann sie im wärmeren Teil der Welt antreffen und sie sind oft auf gefährliche und schwierig erreichbare Regionen beschränkt. Manche wachsen in kalten Berggebieten und vertragen Frost und Schnee.
Die meisetn Zykaden-Arten halten sich gut im Garten und sind hervorragende Topfpflanzenand . Manche sind zu beliebten Zimmerpflanzen, geworden während andere wiederum sehr selten sind und durch das Gesetz als CITES Arten geschützt sind. Unsere Zykade sind bewährte Pflanzen, aus Samen gezüchtet, zwei Jahre oder älter, in großen Töpfen gezogen. Alle Pflanzen sind legal gezüchtet worden.Wir bieten die größte Auswahl der Art Cycas in Europa, mit vielen kälteresistentenn chinesischen Arten. Besuchen Sie die Zykaden Sektion auf unserem Blog und erfahren Sie weshalb unsere Zykaden eine ausgezeichnete Qualität haben.
Edentata is one of the most beautiful of the coastal Asian cycads. Leaves are glossy, with golden prominent veins. Leaf bases and young stems are coated with a reddish-golden "fur". It is quite fast and easy to grow and just as hardy as the typical rumphii-circinalis.
Leaf Height = 90 - 140 cm , 10-12 cm base. 5-6 years old. Native to the mountain rainforests of the subtropical island of Hainan, China.
9 years old, as in the picture. Leaf Height = > 150 cm , 16 cm base. Native to the mountain rainforests of the subtropical island of Hainan, China.
Unique specimen. Very few mutant seedlings showed up with extra-narrow leaves in our seed batch. 9 years old. Leaf Height = More than 150 cm , 16 cm base. Native to the mountain rainforests of the subtropical island of Hainan, China.
h= 120 cm - 8 years. Australian cycad with glossy green leaves.
h= 40-50 cm. 5-7 cm base. Australian Cycas with showy glossy foliage. It is the southernmost species of Cycas, found at 26°S in southeast Queensland. It can stand light, occasional frosts.
Distinct Chinese cycad, from inland colder aereas, characterised by the short stout trunks with a thick coat of orange-brown wool.We offer a plant of this size: H= 50-60 cm Base: 3-4 cm
h= 70-90 cm. Base 5-7 cm. Tall tree-sized cycad from Asia with glossy leaves, known for the very large, ovoid male cones. It is native to mountain areas with cool and moist conditions.
Cycas revoluta is a slow-growing, evergreen palm-like plant with an erect main stem that is usually around 0.5 - 2 metres tall, often with few basal branches, but sometimes aerially branched.
H = 60-110 cm. Base = 5-7 cm. 5 years. New Chinese species described in 2006 from cool mountain forests between 700 and 800 m (2300 and 2600 ft) near the city of Shanya, on the island of Hainan.
This is a second generation (F2) cross of Cycas debaoensis and C. revoluta. This means that all our seedlings are not an exact mix of the two species as it was in the first generation F1.
2 years old, 20-30 cm tall. This Dioon is elegant and different, with glowing blue arching leaves with "V"arranged leaflets
2 years old, 20-30 cm tall. This Dioon is elegant and different, with glowing blue arching leaves with "V"arranged leaflets
Trunk: 15 cm in diameter, as in the picture. Here we offer a larger specimen of the Mexican cycad Dioon edule.
5 years. 40-70 cm tall. 5-6 cm base. Large grey-leaved cycad native to high elevation pine-oak forests in Mexico. Trunks can reach 6 m. Leaves are stiff, long and flat, densely woolly during development. Easy to grow, with moderate frost hardiness
3-4 years old. 30 cm tall. 3-4 cm base. Blue green leaves come up straight from the top of the stem, perfectly spaced, at odd-angles. This endangered cycad is a "micro-endemic", known only from the Tomellin Canyon in Oaxaca, Mexico, at 1,000 to 1,500 m asl.
h= 60-80 cm. Base: 5-6 cm. Possibly the most ornamental of all Cycads. It is beautiful in all its parts. Leaves are shiny, elegant, spineless, of a rich dark green. Cones are huge and fascinating. Takes light frosts and grows very well in the warmer Mediterranean.
h= 100-120 cm. B=9-12 cm. Possibly the most ornamental of all Cycads. It is beautiful in all its parts. Leaves are shiny, elegant, spineless, of a rich dark green. Cones are huge and fascinating. Takes light frosts and grows very well in the warmer Med
The size of this plant is: about 4 years old. 2-3 cm base, leaves about 40-60 cm tall. Mid-sized Macrozamia from a few locations by the coast in Central Queensland, close to "Mount Perry". Elegant arching glossy leaves.
Im Moment gibt es nur wenige Produkte in dieser Kategorie Cycads