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Duftpflanzen waren ein wichtiger Teil der medizinischen und kulturellen Geschichte Chinas, Indiens, des fernen Ostens, des Nahen Ostens, Znetralamerikas und der indigenen Stämme Nordamerikas. Sie sind perfekt um sowohl Ihren Garten als auch Ihr Haus zu parfümieren.
DiesePflanzen haben einige sehr spezielle Bedürfnisse bei Temperatur, Sonnenlicht und Feuchtigkeit. Duftpflanzen sind berühmt für den Duft ihrer Blüten und Blätter.
This deciduous species is grown as an ornamental in different areas of Mexico. Nevertheless it is scarce in the wild, as it is found in small and scattered populations in dry areas of C-SE Mexico.
If it is named "imperialis", then there must be a reason! It is the largest species in the genus, with wide leaves and large flowers.
This flowering shrub-tree is renown for its abundance of scent. Hymenosporum flavum is widespread from New Guinea to New South Wales, in Australia and can attain heights of 2-20 m, bearing clusters of flowers in different shades of white-to-yellow.
This species from China and Burma is a prolific bloomer from mid-late winter to early-mid summer. It makes a thck layer of deep green leaves, and it is suitable for fences and pergolas.
Shrubby jasmine with magnificently white and fragrant flowers. Pick them at home and use them to make your own jasmine tea. It blooms almost throughout the year, as long as the weather is warm enough. It is perfect in pots because it will stay small and flower since an early age.
Lovely subtropical flowering tree, deciduous in winter, able to grow in harsh conditions. Inflorescences are abundantly produced and deeply scented.
This white honeysuckle is a classic of all times. It is a fast growing, robust vine with sweet smelling white flowers. Thesea are developed in pairs and turn cream coloured as they age. It can be kept low as a shrub. It is also used medicinally, both by modern science and by traditional Chinese medicine.
Myrtus communis is the most classic Mediterranean Myrtle. Tarentina is the short leaved, compact form. It is a tough Mediterranean plant producing remarkable scents, both in leaves and flowers. It is easy to grow, also in pots.
"Splendens Foliis Variegatis" ... it is a splendid name! This variegated, double-pink oleander is an unsurpassed old European cultivar, which was first mentioned in 1854 in Handbuch der Blumengärtnerei, by J.W. F. Bosse.
Columnar Greek is a perennial cultivar of basil which grows erect as a column, up to 1 m tall. It has a standard basil flavour, with a slight cinnamon overtone in taste, making it excellent for many Italian, Greek and Asian dishes. It is also very interesting, because it can barely flower. It seldom flowers and only a few branches will bloom, with...
Holy basil is widespread in India and countries of SE Asia. It is a small leaved perennial shrublet, with a basil-mint flavour, used in as a herb in asian cuisine and also medicinally as an "adaptogen". It is said that eating one leaf a day helps for a healthier life.
Nice succulent peperomia native in the dry Andes of Ecuador, at 2000-2500 m with red and dark-green leaves. Leaves are interestingly scented when rubbed or crashed. It grows well in medium shade or with morning sun. It is also suitable as an indoor plant.
This is the cinnamon commonly used in the Canary Islands. This South American Peperomia smells like the famous spice. It has branching erect stems with succulent rounded leaves. It has multiple medicinal uses in South America.
Piper auritum is an aromatic shrub with large heart-shaped, velvety leaves, which grows in Central America. The common name "hoja santa" means "sacred leaf" in Spanish because it has many uses in Mexican cuisine and also as a medicinal plant. "Caisimon" is the tea, widespread in Cuba is made out of the leaves.
This small scrambling shrub has glossy attractive leaves, used as a popular herb in SE Asia. It is popular in Thailand, where leaves are used as starters, to wrap up bits of different food. The peppery flavour is not really spicy and after a while it is loved by most people.
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