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Die Palmenfamilie, Arecaceae oder Palmae, besteht aus etwa 2.400 Arten, die in warmen Klimazonen der Erde, beheimatet sind und von empfindlichen tropischen Arten bis hin zu winterresistenten Palmen reichen. Manche Palmen können draußen in Zentraleuropa gepflanzt werden und widerstehen hartem Frost, sogar unter -10°C (14 F). Die die aus meditteranen Ländern kommen haben eine größere Anzahl an Arten, die draußen wachsen können. Macnhe Züchtern an der Küste Südeuropas züchten nun Draußenkollektionen von Palmen mit mehr als 100 Arten.
Canarius wid nur robuste Palmen, verschicken, in kleinen Töpfen um die Versandkosten und Probleme beim Hantieren zu reduzieren. Also topfen Sie sie zu größeren Töpfen um, kurz nachdem Sie das Paket erhalten. Seien Sie darauf vorbereitet ihnen das beste zu geben. Manceh Palmen können Schnee ertragen, manche können drinnen oder in Töpfen leben und andere wiederum sind sehr tropisch. Wählen Sie einfach eine, die zu Ihren Bedingungen passt.
Welche Palmen können in Ihrer Region leben? Lesen Sie unsereListe der kälteresistenten Palmen für Europa. Besuchen Canarius blog Sie den Canarius Blog und erfahren Sie mehr über unsere Palmen. Sie werden Bilder aus den Baumschulen sehen: verschiedene Typen von Neuseelandpalmen, Flaschenpalmen mit herausragender Wurzelqualität.
15-20 cm - 3 years. Medium sized palm from Cuba, with spectacular round, silvery-bluish leaves.
This easy and beautiful palm is endemic to the Cayman Islands. Leaves are pure silver underneath. It grows very well in coastal conditions. It also takes some cold too but it is very slow in cool areas.
This Dominican "bottle palm"makes a spectacular stout trunk and its leaves show the beautiful simmetry so typical in the genus Coccothrinax.
The coconut palm needs no introduction. It is simply "The Tree of Life". Here we offer a stout plant sprouted about 2 years ago.
The coconut palm needs no introduction. It is simply "The Tree of Life". Here we offer a stout plant sprouted about 2 years ago.
Copernicia is a palm which is endemic to Cuba.The fan-shaped leaves are 1.5 to 2 m wide and are wedge-shaped circular. They are divided into many rigid segments. The ends of the segments are slightly hanging.
10-15 cm - Cont. 12 cm - 2 years. Unusual palm with wedge-shaped upright leaves. Copernicia rigida is native to Cental-Eastern Cuba, in serpentine savanna or scrub.Trunk is gray, up to 15 m (50 ft) tall with a dense compact crown of stiff, erect, wedge-sh
Clumping palm with bamboo-like green, ringed stems. It is reminiscent of Dypsis lutescens but all parts are dark green and fruits are small and red.
The "triangle palm" has a striking leaf arrangement. It is a fast-growing feather palm from the drier and cooler South of Madagascar, that is becaming increasingly popular in cultivation.
Easy and fast growing clumping palm with lush feather foliage.
Fast and easy, medium sized palm from Madagascar, with plumose feather leaves and grey-green ringed trunk. It was known in cultivation as "Dypsis sp. Fine Leaf" and it was named Dypsis plumosa in 2009.
Elegant kentia palm from the Lord Howe Island. Howea belmoreana is the rarer sister of the enormously common "common kentia", Howea forsteriana, which is produced by millions units as the perfect house plant. Howea belmoreana is similar in many aspects but its leaves arch in the opposite sense and its segments point upwards.
This palm is a great ornamental. It is very beautiful as a juvenile because of the reddish stem and petioles. They are very fast when young.
h= 30-60 cm - Cont. 14-16 cm. Distinctive small palm, with a grey bottle-shaped trunk. Hyophorbe lagenicaulis has a waxy green crownshaft and elegant, arching pinnate leaves. Be careful, it is damaged or killed by frost, nevertheless it is a naturally short species that can live for years in a container.
Popular tropical palm with smooth grey ringed trunk, a robust grey-green crownshaft, and stiffly ascending, pinnate leaves.
It is one of the stoutest and most cold-hardy New Caledonian palms. Kentiopsis oliviformis is a must for collectors, with erect feather leaves and a stout ringed trunk.
Beautiful palm native to the Mascarene Islands. They have stiff fan shaped leaves, that become red during youth. They make excellent pot plants for decades and they are very easy to grow, but they are frost sensitive.
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