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In dieser Sektion haben wir solche Pflanzen zusammengefasst, von denen gesagt wird, dass sie einen positiven Effekt auf die Gesundheit haben. Diese Arten gehören zu verschiedenen Pflanzenfamilien und verschiedenen Regionen der Erde. Die verschiedenenn menschlichen Kulturen haben gelernt mit der Vielfalt der Pflanzen zu leben und manche Arten wurden zu therapeutischen Mitteln oder Medizin. Manche, wie die Aloe vera wachsen unter sonnigen und trockenen Bedingungen am besten und können in kleinen Töpfen leben. Manche andere werden zu großen Bäumen und brauchen Platz und Zeit um zu wachsen. Seien Sie vorsichtig, nicht alle diese Pflanzen sind essbar, manche sind giftig, wenn sie gegessen werden oder auf die Haut aufgetragen werden.
All purpose spinach, but also an ornamental groundcover or climber for shady, wet places. Basella alba grows fast in hot, humid and lightly shaded conditions. Leaves can be picked continuosly and are often eaten lightly cooked, as a spinach.
African fruit tree, popular in Jamaica.
The Bulb! Boophane is widespread in dry areas of South Africa, to Angola and Cameroon.
It is widely distributed in dry forests, semi-deciduous forests, and less frequently in scrub with Croton socotranus, at an altitude of 50 to 600 metres. Mauro Raffaelli - Trabajo propio, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Boswellia ovalifoliolata is native to India, but unlike the widespread Indian species Boswellia serrata, this one is restricted to a rather small area: It is endemic to the Tirumala hills, in the Seshachalam hillranges of Palakonda, in the Eastern Ghats.
Succulent evergreen plant that looks like a toothless aloe, it has fragrant yellow flowers. Hardy to about -3 C.
Pack of 2 rosettes of 10-20 cm - Ornamental creeping plant with funnel-shaped rosettes producing tall spikes of cream-white flowers. It is a semi-succulent, said to have medicinal properties. It can be grown in baskets, simple pots or as a ground cover.
Endemic to the inland mountains in the SW Cape ofS Africa. It easily blooms in pots and does not need to bein the ground. It is the only mountain Carpobrotus and does not need a coastal climate. Leaves contain natural antibi
The "star apple" is an evergreen fruit tree native to tropical America. It grows fast and can reach a height of 12-15 m (40-50 ft. Foliage is very ornamental, dark green above and bright, metallic, copper-coloured beneath.
Chaya is a domesticated shrub, from Central America, traditionally used as a vegetable and for medicinal purposes. Today it is becoming more and more popular because of its healthy nutritional value. It is easy to grow in sunny drained locations, including in large pots.
This perennial climber gives fruit similar to tiny cucumbers, turning red when fuly ripe. Not only the fruits but also the young shoots are used throughout Southern Asia, as food and medicine.
Coleus barbatus, also known as Plectranthus barbatus or Indian Coleus, is a perennial herb native to tropical regions of Africa and India. It grows up to 1-2 meters tall, with thick, fleshy stems and green, aromatic leaves.
Colocasia gigantea, also called giant elephant ear or Indian taro, is a 1.5–3 m tall herb with a large, fibrous, inedible corm, producing at its apex a whorl of large leaves.
This mhyrr grows as a shrub to small tree. Its flaking bark has an uncommon grey-blue colour, while its young branches are dark brown.
The plain green form is the ancestor of all ornamental forms of Cordyline fruticosa. It is more robust and hardy than most. It is widespread in the Pacific Islands where it is ubiquitously planted. This plant is very useful for cooking and for medicinal purposes. Leaves are used to wrap and cook all types of food, roots are edible too.
Pot = 6 cm, Branched Plant - Elegant, shrubby South African succulent with blueish ovate leaves. It thrives in Mediterranean climates and takes frosts to about -4 C. It is widely used in South African traditional medicine.
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