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Die kanarischen Inseln sind ein Paradies für exotische Früchte und wir bieten die größte Selektion an tropischen Obstbäumen in Europa. Canarius vertreibt viele Sorten von Mangos, Papayas, Lychees und Zuckerrohr; und außerdem die eher seltenen Arten wie Carambola, Longan, Noni und den echten Kakaobaum. Nur die besten Auswüchse werden vermehrt und auf stärkere Wurzelstöcke gepfropft. Tropische Obstbäume machen sich besser in warmen Regionen, aber viele werden auch in meditteranem Klima gedeihen, wo Mango, Lychee und Avokado regelmäßigen leichten Frost überleben können.
Quite stable variegated clone of the ever popular 'Dwarf Nam Wah', also known as 'Dwarf Pisang Awak'- Stripes occur in different width and tones. It is not a real dwarf. but a a semi-dwarf banana, with more-than-excellent fruits which are very popular in SE Asia and Australia.
A scaled down version of the dwarf cavendish, compact and fairly symetrucal in appearence, with an itimate height of between 1-2m tall.
This is a selection of the common, commercial Cavendish banana. It appeared in Tenerife in the banana fields of the Brier family. Now it is a widespread commercial crop in the Canary Islands. Very productive. Plants achieve 2,5-3 m (8-9 ft).
The Musa sikkimensis, commonly known as the Sikkim banana or Darjeeling banana, is a robust, ornamental banana species native to the Himalayan region, particularly in Sikkim and northeastern India. This species is highly valued for its striking appearance and adaptability.
Teparod is a very different ABB banana, placed in its own subgroup named Klue Teparod, It has an excellent taste, reminiscent of Saba bananas.
This banana tree needs no introdution. It is called "1000 fingers" internationally.
Famous sacred bananas from New Guinea and the Pacific islands. Their sap is red like blood, and the huge fruits hold an astonishing content of provitamine A.
This remarkable musa from the Iholena subgroup, was discovered in Colombia, despite typically being native to New Guinea and Pacific islands.
They look like black grapes but they grow straight on the trunk, in a very unusual way! Aall branches are coated with purple-black fruits. This is one of the healthiest of all fruits, and grows in Warm Mediterranean to Cool Tropical climates.
They look like black grapes but they grow straight on the trunk, in a very unusual way! Aall branches are coated with purple-black fruits. This is one of the healthiest of all fruits, and grows in Warm Mediterranean to Cool Tropical climates.
It is not truly spineless, but it has very few spines. It is a large, robust selection with red juicy fruits of good quality.
LARGE, 80-100 cm tall - Tree with edible chestnut-like fruits, native to Tropical America in swampy areas. The swollen trunk helps it to resist seasonal droughts. It can be kept low and grown as a houseplant, just as its relative Pachira glabra, which is often sold with a braided trunk.
We are specialists in exotic tropical fruit trees, but we also grow and offer some fruit trees which are not tropical at all and can take frost. For example: Almonds tree, Persimmons and also some Canarian cultivars of Fig Trees are perfectly suited for Mediterranean to Temperate climates.
There is a great variety of fruit trees depending on the weather where they grow or the sort of fruit that they produce. Subtropical fruit trees are the most exotic (raise in cold areas). On, we count on some examples of subtropical fruit trees as well-known banana Orinoco or Topocho, Spanish variety of Japanese or Chinese plum, Custard...
In general, fruit trees produce fruit as foodstuff for people. Some of them produce fruits considered “superfood”, singular pieces that are especially beneficial for health, they have more vitamins and useful compounds. Superfood is a recent term used to name any food which is very rich in nutrients for health.
Shrub to small tree, up to 6 m tall, with showy fruits which are both ornamental and edible. It is native to Central America and bears nice bignoniaceous flowers followed by long and thin waxy yellow fruits. up to 60 cm long.
New hybrid developed for commercial production. The fruit is dark purple fruit with yellow flesh, good tasting of course. Its features include good vigour and resistance to fusarium wilt and short frosts.
This Passionfruit produces abundant crops of yellow-orange, pear-shaped fruit with a sweet, delicious flavour. The fragrant flowers are beautifully coloured.
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