Internationaler Seeverkehr
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Bat leaved passion flower is a small vine from Central America to Bolivia, with unusually shaped, which are very wide and very short, resembling the silhouette of a bat.
Bat leaved passion flower is a small vine from Central America to Bolivia, with unusually shaped, which are very wide and very short, resembling the silhouette of a bat. It is rather easy to keep and especially due to its small size, it is easy to handle in most conservatories or patios.
Anbau | Innenanbau |
Herkunft der Arten | Amerika |
Präsentation | Eingetopft in Erde Mischung |
Maximale Größe | 70cm-200cm |
Botanische Familie | Passifloraceae |
Lichtbedürfnis | Durchschnittliches Licht |
Mindesttemperatur im Winter | 0 ºC bis 10 ºC |
Blütezeit | Wärmeren Monaten |
Pflanzentyp | verholzend |
Farbe | Gelb |
Farbe | Grün |
Pflegebedürfnis | Blumentopf |
Wuchsform | Kletterpflanze |