Internationaler Seeverkehr
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8-12 cm rooted, branched cutting. This pant was collected in the Al Marha province of Yemen. It was originally identified as P.cyindraceus but it is different from the forms found elsewhere.
8-12 cm rooted, branched cutting. This pant was collected in the Al Marha province of Yemen. It was originally identified as P.cyindraceus, but it is different from the forms found elsewhere
Anbau | Innenanbau |
Herkunft der Arten | Asien |
Präsentation | Freiliegende Wurzeln |
Maximale Größe | 30cm-40cm |
Botanische Familie | Lamiaceae |
Lichtbedürfnis | Sonne |
Mindesttemperatur im Winter | 5 ºC bis 15 ºC |
Blütezeit | Wärmeren Monaten |
Pflanzentyp | krautartig |
Farbe | Violett |
Farbe | Blau |
Pflegebedürfnis | Pflegeleichte Pflanzen |
Pflegebedürfnis | Blumentopf |
Wuchsform | Sukkulenten |