Internationaler Seeverkehr
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Compact, silvery-blue form of Pritchardia hillebrandtii, with black fruits, originated in a small islet in Hawaii. Please be patient, this plant will not show any blue until late.They will start with some silver as the palm approaches maturity and they will become more and more blue after their second or third year of setting fruits.
h= 20-40 cm - Cont. 12 cm. Exceptionally blue form of a popular hawaiian palm, originally collected from the islet of Huelo, off the coast of Molok
Anbau | Innenanbau |
Herkunft der Arten | Asien |
Präsentation | Eingetopft in Erde Mischung |
Botanische Familie | Arecaceae |
Pflegebedürfnis | Blumentopf |
Wuchsform | Palmenähnlichen Pflanzen |