Rauhia multiflora

South american xerophytic bulb, with large, remarkable succulent leaves. The bulb is coated by papery brown sheaths and holds 1-4 leaves, but most often a pair of two. These are beautifully channeled, ovate-rounded, tongue-like. held on wide petioles.

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South american xerophytic bulb, with large, remarkable succulent leaves. The bulb is coated by papery brown sheaths and holds 1-4 leaves, but most often a pair of two. These are beautifully channeled, ovate-rounded, tongue-like. held on wide petioles. Adult leaves are often covered with a blue wax, which fades out with time. Juvenile leaves are often tessellated with silver. Also roots are succulent and retractile.

This Rauhia is semi-evergreen in cutlivation and can shed leaves for a short time in winter or during drought. This species is native to seasonal open forest on rocky slopes in Northern Peru at 1000-1500 meters. When kept in succulent collections, mature bulbs often stay around 5-6 cm in diameter and leaves seldom get longer than 15 cm., but with age and pot space they can reach very large sizes: old specimes are said to attain bulb diameters of 15 cm and leaves of 20-30 cm in length. Inflorescences are produced in winter, or during the rest. green flowers.

The genus Rauhia is a relative of Eucrosia and Phaedranassa and this species, Rauhia multiflora, was formerly called Rauhia peruviana.
Anbau Innenanbau
Herkunft der Arten Amerika
Präsentation Freiliegende Wurzeln
Maximale Größe 10cm-20cm
Botanische Familie Amaryllidaceae
Lichtbedürfnis Durchschnittliches Licht
Mindesttemperatur im Winter 5 ºC bis 15 ºC
Blütezeit Herbst
Pflanzentyp krautartig
Farbe Grün
Pflegebedürfnis Blumentopf
Wuchsform Knollen
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