Internationaler Seeverkehr
Mindestbestellmenge 150€
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Great "everbearing" cultivar of yellow raspberries, 120-150 cm tall, thorny, and very easy to grow and fruit.
Rubus 'Fallgold' is upright, thorny, shrubby. Everbearing means that it will produce two crops on each biennial "cane", usually peaking in june and september. But, depending on pruning and climate, it can actually set fruits each time it has the opportunity, on any shoot, whenever light and nutrients are available and temperatures are not too low (or too high, in seasonally hot places like the So.Mediterranean). As a new cane is produced, the first fruits are set on the upper part (ripening in autumn) and the following year, new flower clusters and fruits will appear from the mid and lower parts of the cane.
As for most Rubus cultivars, it is recommended to remove all weaker shoots and keep only the best 2-5 shoots per plant.
We ship a robust, sun-grown plant, cultivated in a 16-20 cm pot, of variable height of 30-60 cm. This is a fast growing species and it is produced once or twice a year so the specimens can come in different sizes. We will always try to select a compact robust plant for you. We ship worldwide.
Visit THIS LINK and see pictures of our plants on the packing desk and learn more about what we ship.
Anbau | Innenanbau |
Herkunft der Arten | Europa |
Herkunft der Arten | Asien |
Präsentation | Freiliegende Wurzeln |
Maximale Größe | 40cm-70cm |
Botanische Familie | Rosaceae |
Lichtbedürfnis | Sonne |
Mindesttemperatur im Winter | -20 ºC bis -10 ºC |
Blütezeit | Wärmeren Monaten |
Pflanzentyp | krautartig |
Farbe | Gelb |
Pflegebedürfnis | Pflegeleichte Pflanzen |
Pflegebedürfnis | Blumentopf |
Wuchsform | Sträucher |