Stomatium loganii Vergrößern

Stomatium loganii

This native of the Western cape has Jade coloured leaves and night-scented yellow flowers. Stomatium species come from inland So. Africa and they are hardy to frost. 

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10,80 €

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This native of the Western cape has Jade coloured leaves and night-scented yellow flowers. Leaves are triangular in section, with short soft teeth on all three sidese. They develop anice pink hue with a bit of good old stress.

Stomatium species come from inland So. Africa and they are hardy to frost. They will stand -10 C or much less if kept in drained conditions, like in rockeries, clay pots or so.

What do we exactly ship?

Our mesembs are not weak seedlings. We offer robust plants grown in full sun, obtained at least one year before by rooting cuttings.
Anbau Innenanbau
Herkunft der Arten Afrika
Präsentation Freiliegende Wurzeln
Maximale Größe 0cm-10cm
Botanische Familie Aizoaceae
Lichtbedürfnis Sonne
Mindesttemperatur im Winter -15 ºC bis -5 ºC
Pflanzentyp krautartig
Farbe Grau
Farbe Gelb
Pflegebedürfnis Blumentopf
Wuchsform Sukkulenten
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