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Agave ist ein Gattung der Sukkulenten aus Amerika. Manche Arten wachsen in kalten Gebieten und müssen starken Frost auf sich nehmen, während andere in tropischem Klima leben. Manche sind winzige Zwerge und andere sind Riesen, die bis zu zwei oder drei Meter hoch werden.
Winterfeste Agaven können einen exotischen Effekt in Ihrem Garten erzeugen. Die Agavenartigen geben gute Ergänzungen zu Palmen oder Kakteen ab. Misch-Agaven sind unfassbar gefragt bei Sammlern. Unser Onlineshop bietet eine sich stets wandelnde Auswahl an Arten. Wir liefern Pflanzen mit freigelegten Wurzeln, es sei denn dies ist anderweitig ausgeschildert.
20-22 cm diameter. Exciting garden selection of a small, frost-hardy agave. Rosettes are compact, tidy and four-coloured (quadri-color). This variegated cultivar will survive - 5 C (23 F) and even less if kept dry.
20-22 cm diameter. Exciting garden selection of a small, frost-hardy agave. Rosettes are compact, tidy and four-coloured (quadri-color). This variegated cultivar will survive - 5 C (23 F) and even less if kept dry.
This small, frost-hardy agave is a non-hybrid clone selected in cultivation, with enhanced colours. Leaves are darker, with a paler central stripe, all is glossy and the leaf margins are almost white. It is frost resistant to -15 C or more if kept dry!
Until recently, Agave ferdinandi-regis was considered a fully different species. It is a very elegant Agave, less compact than victoriae-reginae with dark reddish brown edges (not silvery). It is solitary or very slow to sucker, globose, slow growing up to 45 cm.
A totally different spineless Agave unlike any other, with a smooth spreading rosette of elegantly curving leaves. Its unmistakeable "octopus shape" is a highlight both in a succulent collection and in the exotic garden.
13-17 cm. This is a popular species, commonly seen in Mexican and Caribbean gardens. Fantastic shape with olive-green leaves with white margins and black spines.
10-14 cm diameter - Nigra is a "classic" hybrid Agave, obtained by crossing Agave victoriae-reginae and A. scabra. Agave X nigra is a beautiful frost-hardy plant, known for its architectural shape.
Dasylirion cedrosanum is a little known sotol from in the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, and Durango. In these areas, Dasylirion cedrosanum grows among shrubs or grasses, at 1.000-2.000 m elevation.
Pale green leaves open up in tufts of fluffy fibres. A robust Dasylirion from high altitude desert regions in central Mexico that develops a short trunk, often holding multiple crowns of pale green leaves with frayed leaf tips. Native to dry areas of Oaxaca and Puebla, in Mexico.
This species is typically smaller than other Dasylirions, with small crowns and trunks usually less than 0,5 m. Leaves are long, reaching 1–2m.
Beautiful glossy green spineless Furcraea, native to Northern South America. The beautiful large rosettes attain 2 m in mediterranean conditions and almost 4 m in tropical climates. As most other furcraeas, it will stay small and stable forever if kept in pots.
Stiff, glossy leaves, with golden margins. It is a variegated selection, traditionally planted in gardens of the Canary Islands. This elegant plant usually grows an aerial trunk of 0,5-2 m and then produces an incredibly tall inflorescence.
Leaves are decorated by showy white, curly fibres on the margins. It clumps slowly and Long-lasting tall, red inflorescences appear in summer. Hardy to all types of conditions and it can take drought, and frost to about -20 C !
This is an extraordinary ornamental plant! Mangaves are intergeneric hybrids between Manfreda and Agave. Espresso is a variegated selection obtained from the already beautiful Mangave 'Macho Mocha'. It has a showy spineless rosette with blue leaves, spotted in burgundy, with white spotted margins.
Too beautiful to be true: this blue leaved plant is spineless and loaded with exotic purple spots. It is an excellent natural hybrid between intergeneric hybrid between Manfreda variegata and Agave celsii. Potted plants will stay below 1 m in diameter but field-grown plants can attain almost 2 m ! It is really hardy to frost: it stood -13 C in North...
Spectacular Japanese selection species of a stemless Yucca species, with a golden central stripe. It grows elegant rosettes of glossy variegated leaves with undulate margins. Frost hardy.
Variegated selection of the popular Yucca native to the SE USA.
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