Aloe x 'Christmas Carol' - Large

This hybrid Aloe is a winner! It is a great beauty, with all types of reds, green and purples displayed on stripes, dots and teeth. 'Christmas Carol' is mid-sized and can reach 30 cm in diameter and height. It was developed by Griffin, the famous hybridiser of small sized aloes.

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35,00 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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This hybrid Aloe is a winner! It is a great beauty, with all types of reds, green and purples displayed on stripes, dots and teeth. 'Christmas Carol' is mid-sized and can reach 30 cm in diameter and height. It was developed by Griffin, the famous hybridiser of small sized aloes.
Anbau Innenanbau
Herkunft der Arten Asien
Präsentation Freiliegende Wurzeln
Botanische Familie Xanthorrhoeaceae
Lichtbedürfnis Sonne
Pflanzentyp krautartig
Pflegebedürfnis Blumentopf
Wuchsform Sukkulenten