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Diese Gruppe von Wüstenpflanzenwird kurz Mesembs Mesembs genannt da sie zu der botanischen Familie derMesembryanthemaceae gehören. Es gibt nahezu 2000 Arten, die hauptsächlich im Süden Afrikas beheimatet sind, mit extremer Anpassung an trockene Lebensräume. Manche werden."lebende Steine“, genannt, da sie wie Kiesel aussehen. Viele sind einfach nd ihr Hauptbedürfnis ist viel Sonne. Manche sind etwas schwierig, da sie in wirklich extremen Gebieten wachsen.
Unser Onlineshop bietetsonnenverwöhnte, gesunde Pflanzen, mit kompakten und farbenfrohen Blättern. Manche Pflanzen werden abgeschnitten, andere mit Wurzeln verkauft, aber alle sind mindestens zwei Jahre alt.
One of the smallest and finest mesembs. Neohenricia resembles a miniature titanopsis with the typical warty leaf tips, but it creeps in sand and forms a carpet.
Small shrubby mesemb, with "bonsai habit" and showy yellow-green flowers. It grows a perennial short branched stem and each year it will build the new shoots with leaves and flowers, which are weakly lignified and will last only one season.
This winter growing mesemb from South Africa builds a short and wide caudex year by year. From this perennial trunk, each year it will grow the new shoots with leaves and showy flowers, which are weakly lignified and will last only one season. It also has a showy epidermis, with showy bladder cells full of water.
NEW! - Cont.= 8,5 cm - Popular species of living-stone from South Africa, with thick succulent leaves imitating rocks. It takes light frosts.
Cont.= 8 cm. Nearly spherical living-stone succulent plant, with pale mottled green leaves. It is hardy to frosts of about -3 C if kept dry.
Japanese red mutant with pink flowers
This living-stone plant is a living myth, as it was considered extinct until about 2014, when it was rediscovered in the wild in S of Klipplaat, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
NEW! - Branched plant, Cont.= 8,5 cm. Grows in open limestone gravely patches in the subtropical thicket vegetation areas around Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage in So.Africa. The area has mild coastal temperatures and both summer and winter rainfall.
NEW! - Two 20 cm cuttings. Ornamental succulent shrub,30-100 cm tall, with simmetrical blue leaves with a pink tinge andbright pink flowers. It is widespread in South Africa and standsfrosts, fires and drought. It does well
Low growing mesemb which indeed is rare in cultivation. It is sought after both because it is very ornamental and unusual but also because of its medicinal use. It grows creeping stems with abundant pale yellow flowers.
Succulent shrublet of just 10-40 cm, from the Cape of South Africa. Curved green stems, made of "pairs of leaves" branch geometrically, creating an intriguing pattern.
This native of the Western cape has Jade coloured leaves and night-scented yellow flowers. Stomatium species come from inland So. Africa and they are hardy to frost.
Nice-looking mesemb with gray warty leaves. It forms very cute low clumps or carpets and blooms profusely with yellow flowers that open in the late afternoon and are scented through the night.
Im Moment gibt es nur wenige Produkte in dieser Kategorie Mesembs