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Evergreen plants
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Here you will find some exotic flower and foliage species that have not been yet placed in their own category. Some are small herbaceous plants, while some are large trees. You will find acalyphas, cordylines, hoyas, pandanus, plumerias and others, including uncommon plants. Day by day we will add more and more interesting items.
Blue flax-lily or blueberry is a perennial ornamental from Eastern Australia and Tasmania, with glossy green blade-like leaves to 70 cm long. Blue flowers are produced in spring and summer and purple berries are kept througout autumn. It is hardy to drought, snow and frost, to at least -7 C.
This Dianella makes a glossy groundcover or tuft for the rockery, It bears blue flowers and super-blue fruits. Dianella ensifolia is very easy to grow, from full sun to deep shade.
Stable variegated clone with white stripes. This dianella looks good in any conditions and it is always great in the garden or in individual pots.
South African beauty with evergreen leaves and showy Iris-like flowers, profusely produced in Spring and Summer.
Very beautiful perennial with white flowers. The leaves are wide and elegant, reminiscent of some Phormium tenax. it is a gigantic species of Dietes originating from the remote island of Lord Howe, which is also home of the Kentia palm.
Diospyros nigra, the Black Sapote, is a species of persimmon that is native to eastern Mexico and Central America south to Colombia.
This is the most beautiful form of the widespread Dorstenia hildebrandrii. It is cute in all its stages, with a rounded, smooth swollen base which can be green to maroon.
The giant spear lily grows as a moncarpic rosette like an agave, but has floppy spineless leaves up to 2 or 3 m long. It will eventually bloom with a bright red flowering structure, up to 3 to 5 meters tall.
This shrubby West African Dracena has the growth habit of a Cordyline fruticosa, with glossy arrow-shaped green leaves. It is very adaptable: It grows outdoors in Mediterranean to Tropical Climates and it is also a good indoor-plant. Flowers matter even though they only flower for a few n¡weejs.
This Dracaena forms a large shrub, similar to a Yucca, branched from the base, 2-8 m tall.It is native to semi-evergreen bushland or open dry forest on rocky slopes, from Ethiopia to Uganda. It is often locally common at 1000–2100 m.
12 years old, Leaf height 35-45 cm ! - This dragon tree comes from the southern escarpments of the Arabian Peninsula. It is a sparsely-branched tree, very rare and slow-growing, which can reach 5 m in very old specimens. Its stiff, sword-like leaves are densely congested at the tip of the branches.
10 years old, Leaf height 25-35 cm ! - This dragon tree comes from the southern escarpments of the Arabian Peninsula. It is a sparsely-branched tree, very rare and slow-growing, which can reach 5 m in very old specimens. Its stiff, sword-like leaves are densely congested at the tip of the branches.
This dracaena looks different from most others. It has showy mottled foliage held on thin bamboo-like stems. Also its white flowers are beautiful as they show up on sphaerical, fragrant inflorescences. It is native to the rainforest understorey of different West African countries and does well as a house plant in a bright room.
This dracaena looks different from most others. It has showy mottled foliage held on thin bamboo-like stems. Also its white flowers are beautiful as they show up on sphaerical, fragrant inflorescences. It is native to the rainforest understorey of different West African countries and does well as a house plant in a bright room.
Ornamental, semi-succulent dragon-tree from summer rainfall areas South Africa. It grows on rocky slopes, attaining heights of 2-6 m. It is very uncommon in cultivation! This Dracaena is relativey fast growing and can attain blooming size in les than ten years. It will thrive in Mediterranean conditions, with little or no frost.
So ornamenta! This evergreen drimiopsis has succulent leaves with an incredible pattern of green rounded spots on a silvery-jade background. Spikes of white flowers are a nice addition in late summer and fall.
This Duranta is possibly the best. When the shrub is in flower, the translucent purple flowers with white margines shine!
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