Aloe, Gasteria & Haworthia There are 70 products.

Aloe, Gasteria and Haworthia are three related genera, comprising hundreds of succulent plants. They are all easily grown in pots. A few adapt to low-light levels of indoor conditions and can be grown as house plants. 

  • Aloe is a genus of about 400 species, native to Africa, Arabia and Madagascar. Small or dwarf aloes are becoming especially popular in colder climates as they can be taken indoors during the hardest months. 
  • Gasteria includes some 80 species endemic to South Africa, known for their spectacular leaves which are glossy, mottled and textured. They bloom in Spring-Summer with long spikes of small orange flowers. Some species are so variable that we offer particular clones from specific locations.
  • Haworthia is a genus endemic to South Africa with about 70 species and a number of local subspecies, varieties and forms. Leaves are often banded, speckled, dotted, or semi-translucent and show wide variations.
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