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Flores vistosas; este tipo de flores atraen a los animales y hace posible la polinización. Tienen una importancia esencial en parques y jardines. El color las hace más vistosas. El atractivo de las flores vistosas permanece mientras la planta está viva y su belleza reside en sus hojas, que son de color brillante.
Estas flores aportan belleza y color a cualquier jardín. En nuestra tienda online podrá encontrar una variedad de flores vistosas, tales como: Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, Convolvulus cneorum, Heliconia stricta 'enana jamaicana', entre otros.
This deciduous species is grown as an ornamental in different areas of Mexico. Nevertheless it is scarce in the wild, as it is found in small and scattered populations in dry areas of C-SE Mexico.
If it is named "imperialis", then there must be a reason! It is the largest species in the genus, with wide leaves and large flowers.
This flowering shrub-tree is renown for its abundance of scent. Hymenosporum flavum is widespread from New Guinea to New South Wales, in Australia and can attain heights of 2-20 m, bearing clusters of flowers in different shades of white-to-yellow.
It is an endangered shrub of unrivalled beauty, with glossy leaves and large white "orchid-like" flowers splashed with red, 5-6 cm across. Keep it between 10 and 25 C for optimal growth. It is a fleshy-stemmed, much-branched, perennial plant growing to 1.5 m, with bright green leaves. It usually flowers in winter and early spring. It is not cold-hardy,...
Evergreen South American bulb. The cultivar 'Alberto Castillo', has white, larger flowers and was collected in the 1980s by Alberto Castillo, the owner of Ezeiza Botanical Garden, from an abandoned garden in Buenos Aires.
Ipheion uniflorum is a free-blooming evergreen bulb from Argentina and Uruguay, with leaves smelling like garlic.
This selection of Ipheion has bright, deep blue overlapping perianth segments.
Bright blue selection of Ipheion uniflorum, a free-blooming evergreen bulb from Argentina and Uruguay, with leaves smelling like garlic. It blooms from late winter throughout spring.
Ipomoea carnea, the pink morning glory, is a species of morning glory. This flowering plant has heart-shaped leaves that are a rich green and 15–23 cm long.
Groundcover ornamental plant, with bilobed glossy leaves and deep pink trumpet-shaped flowers produced continuously through the warm weather. This plant is typically seen growing on sand in many tropical beaches of the whole planet. Of course it needs full sun and sandy or draining soil. It is very easy to grow but it does not like cold and only takes...
Ornamental shrub to small tree with heart-shaped leaves and showy hibiscus-like flowers. In this cultivar 'Rubrum' new flushes of leaves keep a beautiful dull red colour for months. It is a tipically coastal shrub, suitable to low elevations in Warm Mediterranean to Tropical Conditions.
This species from China and Burma is a prolific bloomer from mid-late winter to early-mid summer. It makes a thck layer of deep green leaves, and it is suitable for fences and pergolas.
Shrubby jasmine with magnificently white and fragrant flowers. Pick them at home and use them to make your own jasmine tea. It blooms almost throughout the year, as long as the weather is warm enough. It is perfect in pots because it will stay small and flower since an early age.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Flores Vistosas