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Flores vistosas; este tipo de flores atraen a los animales y hace posible la polinización. Tienen una importancia esencial en parques y jardines. El color las hace más vistosas. El atractivo de las flores vistosas permanece mientras la planta está viva y su belleza reside en sus hojas, que son de color brillante.
Estas flores aportan belleza y color a cualquier jardín. En nuestra tienda online podrá encontrar una variedad de flores vistosas, tales como: Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, Convolvulus cneorum, Heliconia stricta 'enana jamaicana', entre otros.
Curcuma caesia, black turmeric or black zedoary, is a perennial herb with bluish-black rhizomes that is native to northeast India.
Both ornamental and useful, white turmeric is a deciduous ginger. It starts growth in April-June, with a very showy pink-white inflorescence, shooting up from the ground.
One flowering-sized bulb. This nice Cyrtanhus is one of the easiest to grow, while it is still far from being common in cultivation. It is native to moist grassland or rocky streambanks in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal and takes short, light frosts. It can bloom once or twice a year, in the warmer months.
This South African bulb is native to the Cape region, It is the most striking members of the genus, with abundant umbels of large scarlet flowers occuring from late summer to fall. It grows very well in coastal Mediterranean climates. Also the leaves are beautiful, large and dark green, arranged in two ranks, evergreen. It grows well in pots and makes...
Bulb, 2-3 cm diameter. This is one of the hard-to-find species of Cyrtanthus. It is a cliff-dwelling plant only known from a few localities in the Cape region of South Africa. Our old mother plants were originally grown from habitat-collected seeds.
This beautiful Cyrtanthus is rewarding in cultivation. It is an evergreen South African bulb, which slowly forms clumps and fills up its pot. It is easy to grow and bloom.
1-2 year old seedling, H:40-70 cm. This is one of the few species of Delonix that grows as a "bottle-tree" , like a baobab. It is native to the dry South of Madagascar, where it grows together with other succulent plants and caudiciforms. Adult "bottle-trees" are very beautiful when they get covered of plenty of flowers.
This is the dream tree of the tropics, often considered the most beautiful of all flowering trees. Commonly called Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant. Its showy red flowers are the essence of the tropics.
Large stapeliad from Central Africa, with grey angular stems. Large dark flowers, un to 5 cm wide, are held in clusters. They are yellow orange inside and then brown-black, with ciliate margins. It can be kept for years as a small collection stapeliad, but the largest specimens in habitat are more than one meter tall!
Blue flax-lily or blueberry is a perennial ornamental from Eastern Australia and Tasmania, with glossy green blade-like leaves to 70 cm long. Blue flowers are produced in spring and summer and purple berries are kept througout autumn. It is hardy to drought, snow and frost, to at least -7 C.
South African beauty with evergreen leaves and showy Iris-like flowers, profusely produced in Spring and Summer.
Very beautiful perennial with white flowers. The leaves are wide and elegant, reminiscent of some Phormium tenax. it is a gigantic species of Dietes originating from the remote island of Lord Howe, which is also home of the Kentia palm.
This is the most beautiful form of the widespread Dorstenia hildebrandrii. It is cute in all its stages, with a rounded, smooth swollen base which can be green to maroon.
The giant spear lily grows as a moncarpic rosette like an agave, but has floppy spineless leaves up to 2 or 3 m long. It will eventually bloom with a bright red flowering structure, up to 3 to 5 meters tall.
Stout, branched seedling. Edithcolea is monotypic genus from tropical Africa, with weird, beautiful flowers. It has a gained a reputation as a difficult plant, because it is very susceptible to rot in combination with low temperatures.
This exciting ornamental is a cold-hardy mountain banana-relative, native to China. It grows banana-like leaves to height of about 1,5 m, and then blooms with a showy golden "artichoke", lasting for months.
This bulb is a bomb! Eremurus robustus is showy in all its parts, both for its size and beauty. It produces an abundant rosette of wide dark green leaves. The inflorescence is very tall and ornamental, 2 to 3 m tall, while he bulb will soon reach the size of your head (!) It adjusts well to European climates.
It has a gained a reputation as a difficult plant, because it is very susceptible to rot in combination with low temperatures.
1-2 year old seedling. This "Dwarf Coral Tree" is native to Natal, in South Africa. It is a densely branched deciduous shrub, with scarlet flowers on black flower stalks, standing above the foliage during a long time. It is suited to mediterranean climates and takes light frosts.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Flores Vistosas