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Flores vistosas; este tipo de flores atraen a los animales y hace posible la polinización. Tienen una importancia esencial en parques y jardines. El color las hace más vistosas. El atractivo de las flores vistosas permanece mientras la planta está viva y su belleza reside en sus hojas, que son de color brillante.
Estas flores aportan belleza y color a cualquier jardín. En nuestra tienda online podrá encontrar una variedad de flores vistosas, tales como: Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, Convolvulus cneorum, Heliconia stricta 'enana jamaicana', entre otros.
This wild Hippeastrum species builds large white-yellow flowers. The yellow colour is rare in this genus so this species has been used a lot to create new hybrids with some yellow.
This is a lovely small species from SE. Brazil with the most unusual leaves in the genus: these are dark green with a bright white central stripe. Then it bears "reticulate" pink coloured flowers. This is the true wild species, not one of the hybrids commonly found in the trade under this name.
Mrs. Garfield is an old hybrid made in the UK around 1880, between a Dutch Hippeastrum hybrid and the diminute H. reticulatum var. striatifolium.
Small leaved Hoya, native to Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand. Leaves are marbled with silver, green, purple and more. Flowers are unusual in shape, white with a pink center.
Very beautiful Hoya, native to Borneo. Its flowers are pure white, and quite large, about 4 cm tall. It is rare in cultivation and hard to root, but then it is easy to grow and blooms regularly during the warmest months. It has a subtle fragrance but the beauty and size of the flowers deserve attention!
Rooted cutting, with one ore more new growths, native to Philippines.
NEW! Hoya onychoides is a magnificent vine with large, dark glossy leaves and enormous purple flowers in large umbels.
A variegated clone of the popular heart-shape leaved Hoya kerry. Easy to grow even in tough conditions, thanks to its succulent leaves.
Hoya from the Philippines. It was described quite recently, in 2004. Leaves are speckled in Silver and pink-mauve flowers appear frequently in fine umbels.
Elegant hoya species native to SE Asia. It is easy to grow and bloom since it occurs in a wide range of habitats, from dry scrubs to humid forests.
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Flores Vistosas