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Se vi piacciono le piante esotiche, allora sei nel posto giusto. Canarius offre le piante esotiche difficile da trovare che sono raramente disponibili in centri di giardinaggio. Il nostro negozio ha specie naturali e rari ibridi. Offriamo piante esotiche provenienti dalle Isole Canarie.
Gli ordini sono inviati a ovunque in Europa e anche in tutto il mondo. I pacchi raggiungeranno la vostra casa in pochi giorni dopo la spedizione (ma abbiamo bisogno anche alcuni giorni per l'elaborazione). Non esitate a contattarci se avete domande.
I deserti del mondo e le zone secche ospitano le piante più interessanti. Canarius offre una selezione crescente di piante succulente di massima qualità, perché sono coltivate all'aperto, in pieno sole delle Isole Canarie.
I succulente o "piante grasse" sono specie di ritenzione di acqua, adattate alle condizioni di asciutto. Loro accumulano succum (succo, acqua) nelle loro foglie, steli o radici, e spesso mostrano un aspetto robusto e carnoso.
Le piante esotiche sono specie provenienti da altre parti del mondo, e di solito hanno le qualità ornamentali: una vegetazione lussureggiante, fiori colorati, forme insolite... Qui è possibile trovare una grande varietà di piante esotiche: da bromeliacee e Heliconias, fino a palme e piante d'appartamento.
Le piante esotiche non hanno un uso particolare. I collettori acquistano questo tipo di piante per la loro rarità, per la decorazione interna o esterna, a seconda delle loro caratteristiche.
Le piante da frutto, erbe e piante medicinale sono concentrati su come ottenere una salute migliore. In questo contenuto della sezione, ogni tipo di pianta produce effetti salutari, entrambi alberi da frutto (Feijoa, Ananas, Fina Jete...) e piante per la salute, come Graviola, Aloe vera, Callisia fragrans... Nel normale metabolismo di tutti gli esseri viventi, l'organismo produce delle sostanze nutritive da latenti per l'ambiente; alcune di queste sostanze chimiche sono parte del processo in tutte le specie. Normalmente, i composti utili sono concentrati in alcune dei sue parti: foglie, semi, fiori...
Mandevilla sanderi is a vine belonging to the Mandevilla genus. This is the red variety.
This is an extraordinary ornamental plant! Mangaves are intergeneric hybrids between Manfreda and Agave. Espresso is a variegated selection obtained from the already beautiful Mangave 'Macho Mocha'. It has a showy spineless rosette with blue leaves, spotted in burgundy, with white spotted margins.
Too beautiful to be true: this blue leaved plant is spineless and loaded with exotic purple spots. It is an excellent natural hybrid between intergeneric hybrid between Manfreda variegata and Agave celsii. Potted plants will stay below 1 m in diameter but field-grown plants can attain almost 2 m ! It is really hardy to frost: it stood -13 C in North...
2-years old seeding of a rare species of mango from Borneo. "Laurina" fruits contain the flavour of all flavours! They are green-yellow when ripe and the skin sap smells of turpentine! Bright yellow-orange flesh, very juicy, with an intensity of flavour that no domestic mango can achieve. Sweet too, and only comparable to Mangifera casturi. What a mango!...
Grafted plant of a rare species of mango from Borneo. "Laurina" fruits contain the flavour of all flavours! They are green-yellow when ripe and the skin sap smells of turpentine! Bright yellow-orange flesh, very juicy, with an intensity of flavour that no domestic mango can achieve. Sweet too, and only comparable to Mangifera casturi. What a mango! ... it...
Tall 16x30 cm pot - Gomera is a traditional Canarian strain of vigorous mango trees, producing rounded yellow fruits of small-medium size, with excellent flavour. This mango is hardier than most mango cultivars to drought and cold.
AVAILABLE IN SEPTEMBER. SMALL SIZE Another hardy strain of mango trees, widespread in the Canary Islands and often used as a rootstock for its hardiness. The fruit is oblong, yellow-orange.
This is the holy grial of mangoes! Kasturis are black-purple skinned, their flesh is deep orange, sweet and loaded with flavour and vitamines. It is a different species of Mangifera, from Borneo. Some people say it is not a mango, it is a Kasturi! A quintessential superfood. GRAFTED ON GOMERA-1 TO INCREASE COLD RESISTANCE!!! Only a few per year will be...
This is the holy grial of mangoes! Kasturis are black-purple skinned, their flesh is deep orange, sweet and loaded with flavour and vitamines. It is a different species of Mangifera, from Borneo. Some people say it is not a mango, it is a Kasturi! A quintessential superfood. GRAFTED ON GOMERA-1 TO INCREASE COLD RESISTANCE!!! Only a few per year will be...
Excellent mango, widely cultivated in subtropical Brazil and Paraguay. It is a large vigorous tree with greenish inflorescences and colourful greenish fruits, with orange pulp and intense flavor. (350-450gr.)
Here we have a "Nam Doc Mai" mango with giant leaves and giant fruits. Mun is known from SE Asia and the long fruits Green-yellow fruits are scented like paradise. It weights around 400 -500gr.
Fuchsia colored fruit with orange pulp, between 500-600gr.
Native to Florida, this variety has red fruits with hints of yellow. Its weight ranges between 500-600 grams
Some people say that this is a"Coconut-flavoured mango". Alphonso is one of the best Indian cultivar. Sweet and tarty large fruit. Pulp is bright orange and juicy. It is an early-bearing cultivar.
Mango cultivar developed in 1958 in Chiapas, Mexico, typical for its shape reminiscent of an upside-down pear. Golden yellow skin, without fibres. Autaulfo now became the second commercial mango in the United States.
Large and elongated yellow fruit, very sweet and aromatic.
Edward has green-yellow fruits of medium size, about 500 g each, with low fibres presence. It has a juicy and melting texture. Early season.
Beautiful and tasy red-skinned fibreless mango. It is a selected seedling of Tommy Atkins. Fruits are large-sized and ripen well in the Canary Islands and other Mediterranean cimates with dry summers.
This cultivar of mango has a small sized crown and fruits in colder areas than many other mangos. It bears sweet, juicy flavoured Mango with no fibre. It is an excellent early variety, with an average weight of 350 g per fruit.
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