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Se vi piacciono le piante esotiche, allora sei nel posto giusto. Canarius offre le piante esotiche difficile da trovare che sono raramente disponibili in centri di giardinaggio. Il nostro negozio ha specie naturali e rari ibridi. Offriamo piante esotiche provenienti dalle Isole Canarie.
Gli ordini sono inviati a ovunque in Europa e anche in tutto il mondo. I pacchi raggiungeranno la vostra casa in pochi giorni dopo la spedizione (ma abbiamo bisogno anche alcuni giorni per l'elaborazione). Non esitate a contattarci se avete domande.
I deserti del mondo e le zone secche ospitano le piante più interessanti. Canarius offre una selezione crescente di piante succulente di massima qualità, perché sono coltivate all'aperto, in pieno sole delle Isole Canarie.
I succulente o "piante grasse" sono specie di ritenzione di acqua, adattate alle condizioni di asciutto. Loro accumulano succum (succo, acqua) nelle loro foglie, steli o radici, e spesso mostrano un aspetto robusto e carnoso.
Le piante esotiche sono specie provenienti da altre parti del mondo, e di solito hanno le qualità ornamentali: una vegetazione lussureggiante, fiori colorati, forme insolite... Qui è possibile trovare una grande varietà di piante esotiche: da bromeliacee e Heliconias, fino a palme e piante d'appartamento.
Le piante esotiche non hanno un uso particolare. I collettori acquistano questo tipo di piante per la loro rarità, per la decorazione interna o esterna, a seconda delle loro caratteristiche.
Le piante da frutto, erbe e piante medicinale sono concentrati su come ottenere una salute migliore. In questo contenuto della sezione, ogni tipo di pianta produce effetti salutari, entrambi alberi da frutto (Feijoa, Ananas, Fina Jete...) e piante per la salute, come Graviola, Aloe vera, Callisia fragrans... Nel normale metabolismo di tutti gli esseri viventi, l'organismo produce delle sostanze nutritive da latenti per l'ambiente; alcune di queste sostanze chimiche sono parte del processo in tutte le specie. Normalmente, i composti utili sono concentrati in alcune dei sue parti: foglie, semi, fiori...
Shrubby caudiciform from Madagascar, with a long flowering season. It can grow to anything between 40 cm and 2 m in height, according to the conditions. It was described as recently as 1996 by Dr. W. Rauh. This species has two forms, with different types of leaves. This is the entire leaf form. We offer a 1-2 year old caudex: 3-5 cm diameter
This is the variety with the latest harvest, it can be extended until late autumn, and it can ripen by the month of December. It is very productive, its fruit is medium-large in size, of excellent quality and slightly dark in color.
It is a fairly recent variety, adapted to a warm climate, ripening earlier and very productive. The fruit is of high quality, large in size and with an excellent flavor and texture. It is harvested from the end of April and May. Variety suitable for all types of climates.
This cultivar of Blueberry bears in mid-season and it is probably the most popular in the world for the family garden.
'Brigitta Blue', or simply 'Brigitta' is a late-bearing cultivar of blueberry. Fruits are large, firm in texture and light-blue, almost white.
Blueberry variety adapted to all types of climates, quite vigorous and very productive. Its fruit is of good size, very firm, light blue in color and excellent flavor. Its harvest is very long (6-8 weeks), from mid-June to the end of July.
Northland is a vigorous and high yelding blueberry. Fruits are medium-sized and soft, typically held in clusters. They are sweet, with a "wild Blueberry taste". It is better dehydrated. Not the best when frozen.
This cultivar of Blueberry is mid bearing in season. Fruits are dark blue, almost black.
This plant produces beautiful pink blueberries. Its flavor is very rich, sweet and has good texture. They are very productive plants, with vigorous and thin elongated leaves. If we combine it with blueberry varieties, we increase its yield. It is harvested from the end of July to the end of September.
This is the real vanilla for your kitchen. It is a climbing orchid that can eventually bloom and set fruits holding the fabulous aroma. The plant is quite ornamental with opposite, regular leaves. Grows in dappled su
A close relative of papaya, this exciting plant was domesticated in the Andes at high elevation, where frost is common. Good tasting fruits! A must for tropical fruit lovers living in colder climates.
Deciduous relative of domestic papayas. Fruits are 2-5 cm long, sweet and juicy, quite nice to eat. It is easy to grow in harsh, mediterranean conditions as it takes drought and some cold too. With age it will form a "fat" trunk.
A beauty of nature! This tall, elegant veitchia palm is native to to Fiji, and Tonga Islands. It is fast, beautiful, elegant, plumose, with showy red fruits.
The crinkled leaflets of this variegated "Verbena Tree" or "simpleleaf chastetree" are margined in clear bright white--with maturity this beautifully variegated woody slim shrub produces misty pastel lilac clusters of tiny blossoms. It can reach up to 4 m but it is usually kept at 1 - 1,5 m by pruning.
Vriesea fenestralis is classic beauty which is still unsurpassed. This species has smooth, glossy, arching leaves with curly tips.
Supreme bromeliad, beautiful in all its stages of growth. Leaves are smooth and wide, densely banded and speckled with red-brown to green colours.
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