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Variegate Pflanzen haben gestreifte oder gepunktete Blätter mit attraktiven Farben. Variegation bei Pflanzen treten aufgrund verschiedenster Gründe auf. Meistens ist es ein genetischer Fehler, der zufällig in der Natur auftritt. Eine weiße Variegation ist das Ergebnis der Unfähigkeit einer Pflanze Pigmente in dieser Region zu produzieren. Eien geringere Produktion des Pigments Chlorophyll ermöglicht die Ausbildung von orangen, gelben und hellgrüen Farben oder sogar Schattierungen von rosa, rot und lila. Diese Pflanzen sind langsamer als ihre grünen Verwanten und meistens teurer. Wir bieten variegate Agaven, variegate Aspidistras, variegate Bromelien und viele variegate Sukkulenten an.
The "King of the Glotts" is said to be the largest of all the species in the genus Glottiphyllum. Leaves can get quite red when somehow stressed, It is easy to grow, and just as the rest of the genus Glottiphyllum it is chiefly winter-growing but it does not have a true resting season.
This is a very attractive compact and blue glotty. Leaves are short and waxy and can look blue to grey. The flowers are so large that they cover the whole rosette.
Outstanding heliconia with ornamental foliage and dense, upright habit. Most heliconias are from tropical America and only a handful of them is from the Pacific islands. Heliconia indica is one of them and 'Striata' is a supreme striped clone, selected in ancient times somewhere in Melanesia.
This is one of the most beautiful variegated bamboos. It is elegant in all its parts as its large leaves are streaked in reach cream and diffuse pink tones. Despite its exotic look, it is hardy to about -18 C
Mrs. Garfield is an old hybrid made in the UK around 1880, between a Dutch Hippeastrum hybrid and the diminute H. reticulatum var. striatifolium.
Green leaves with white margins.
A variegated clone of the popular heart-shape leaved Hoya kerry. Easy to grow even in tough conditions, thanks to its succulent leaves.
This is an extraordinary ornamental plant! Mangaves are intergeneric hybrids between Manfreda and Agave. Espresso is a variegated selection obtained from the already beautiful Mangave 'Macho Mocha'. It has a showy spineless rosette with blue leaves, spotted in burgundy, with white spotted margins.
Incredible shape and colours! It is a variegated cultivar of the popular tapioca or cassava. This deciduous shrub is an exciting addition to any tropical setting. We offer a well-rooted, 1 year old plant. It is a deciduous shrub
Incredible shape and colours! It is a variegated cultivar of the popular tapioca or cassava. This deciduous shrub is an exciting addition to any tropical setting. We offer a well-rooted, 1 year old plant. It is a deciduous shrub
What a beauty! This plant came out of the brazilian forests, and it soon became one of the most sought after indoor plants. According to begonia experts, this a "Spotted-leaf angel-wing cane-type begonia" and indeed the wings are dotted with silver circles.
This is the famous variegated noni, found in the Fiji. This botanical variety makes an outstanding shrub with snow-white splashed foliage. Each new pair of leaves is a new surprise. Fruits are smaller and rounder than those of the usual noni, variety citrifolia.
This is a variegated Cavendish banana trees, selected in Tenerife from the local banana named Cavendish Gruesa Palmera. They produce edible fruits and make great eccentric ornament. Fruits can have some stripes too! The Supreme will give a shocking plant full of stripes and bands on the very first cycle.
This Albino clone of Musa Nam Wah is obtained once in a long while when a plant of variegated Nam Wah gives a pup lacking clorophyll. This shoot will grow new leaves of an incredibly white colour, sometimes with a soft pink hue.
Quite stable variegated clone of the ever popular 'Dwarf Nam Wah', also known as 'Dwarf Pisang Awak'- Stripes occur in different width and tones. It is not a real dwarf. but a a semi-dwarf banana, with more-than-excellent fruits which are very popular in SE Asia and Australia.
Blood banana is a supreme ornamental for warmer climates or conservatories. The dark green leaves are splashed with purple-burgundy blotches. A classic of all-times for tropical gardening.
Neoregelia 'Freddie' is a bromeliaceae with a cherry-red central foliage, green leaves with distinct white lines.
A superb Bromeliad with very brightly coloured, green leaves with white margins.
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