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Variegate Pflanzen haben gestreifte oder gepunktete Blätter mit attraktiven Farben. Variegation bei Pflanzen treten aufgrund verschiedenster Gründe auf. Meistens ist es ein genetischer Fehler, der zufällig in der Natur auftritt. Eine weiße Variegation ist das Ergebnis der Unfähigkeit einer Pflanze Pigmente in dieser Region zu produzieren. Eien geringere Produktion des Pigments Chlorophyll ermöglicht die Ausbildung von orangen, gelben und hellgrüen Farben oder sogar Schattierungen von rosa, rot und lila. Diese Pflanzen sind langsamer als ihre grünen Verwanten und meistens teurer. Wir bieten variegate Agaven, variegate Aspidistras, variegate Bromelien und viele variegate Sukkulenten an.
Variegated, striped, selection of the popular green-and-purple Caribbean perennial. formerly called Rhoeo spathacea. This plant produces a raibow of colours as the white stripes mix up with purple and green.
his is possibly the most beautiful variegated Trycirtis: it is a Japanese variegated selection of a Taiwanese species. 'Autumn Glow' has wide edges of yellow leaf margins. Cream and purple freckled 6-petaled flowers.
This is an elegant variegated clone of the popular garlic flower. Leaves are striped in white and flowers are pink-purple, just as in the typical wild species.
The crinkled leaflets of this variegated "Verbena Tree" or "simpleleaf chastetree" are margined in clear bright white--with maturity this beautifully variegated woody slim shrub produces misty pastel lilac clusters of tiny blossoms. It can reach up to 4 m but it is usually kept at 1 - 1,5 m by pruning.
Spectacular Japanese selection species of a stemless Yucca species, with a golden central stripe. It grows elegant rosettes of glossy variegated leaves with undulate margins. Frost hardy.
Variegated selection of the popular Yucca. It can eventually become a tall tree-like yucca but it can also be used as an indoor plant.
Variegated selection of the popular Yucca native to the SE USA.
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