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Bromelicaeist eine große Famile vonkrautartigen Pflanzen aus den beiden amerikanischen Kontinenten. Wei viele Orchideen wachsen sie natürlicherweise auf Baumästen oder über Felsen und Klippen. Bromelien werden sehr unglaublichen aufgrund ihrer Farben und ihrer Eigenschaft einfach in Töpfen haltbar zu sein, geschätzt.
Wir bieten eine schöne Kollektion von Bromelien an as niemals von Europas Gartenzentren angeboten wird. Der weit verbreitete Handel verkauft meistens grüne, dünnblättrige Hybriden. Unser Shop hat ein ständig wachsendes Angebot an den Arten mit den stärksten und farbenfrohsten Blättern, die besser an die zu heißen oder kalten Bedingungen des Draußenseins angepasst sind. All unsere Bromelien werden als wurzelnackte “Welpen” verschickt. Dies ist die robuste Wurzelbrut, die nach dem Blühen produziert werden. Bromelien lassen sich hervorragend mit der Post verschicken und sind zudem günstig zu verschicken. Unsere robusten Welpen werden zumeist in weniger als einem Jahr blühen. .
First time offering of a new clone of Aechmea nudicaulis collected on the hills above Blumenau in Southern Brazil. Small sized, compact, with colourful speckled leaves with rounded tips.
Upright Northern form of Aechmea nudicaulis, with tapering leaftips, often curly. Leaves turn purple-reddish in the cooler or drier months. It is robust and grows a bit larger than other nudicaulis.
NEW;Aechmea nudicaulis is a Bromeliad species in the genus Aechmea, which is often used as an ornamental plant. This species is native to Central America, the West Indies, central and southern Mexico, and northern and central South America.
Tubular plant with bright green leaves with black blotches and small spines. Beautiful, long lasting blooms consist of red and yellow upright spikes appearing in spring or summer. Hardy to light freezes, and hot, harsh conditions
This variety of Aechmea nudicaulis has slender rosettes, often with pink tones. The inflorescences typically leans on a side,.
Aechmea ornata is hardy to some good frost, to at least -7 C. This variety Hoehneana has minor differences in the inflorescence but our plants are truly dwarf, with a mottled pale green colour, often with a pink hue on the tips.
This variegated clone is just as frost hardy as the wild species but its colour pattern is hypnotic! It is full of perfect yellow stripes, often wider at the center of each leaf. It is a supreme ornamental that can't be missed in any tropical garden far from the tropics, said to be hardy to at least -7 C.
Very squat, compact form of the super hardy Aechmea ornata. Rosettes are wider than tall. Furthermore their colour is quite attractive, with a mottled pale green colour, often with a pink hue on the tips.
Different bromeliad with wide, channeled leaves, light green, speckled with different colours. An incredibly bright pink flush occurs when it gets close to blooming.
Mid-sized plant with yellow flowers. Native to a small area of coastal forest in cooler So.Brazil, it is a tough sun-loving plant that grows well in open and exposed sites. Use in trees or stumps as an epiphyte or on rocks.
Mid size Aechmea with slender, tubular pale green rosettes, bearing a a pink "spray" inflorescence with pink bracts and purple flowers.
Mid-large ornamental Aechmea, native to Eastern Brazil. Leaves are copper-red when exposed to high light and it produces large upright inflorescences with yellow-red tones. They last for a long time as they become infructescences, with colourful berries.
This is the smallest variety of a widely grown frost-hardy bromeliad. When blooming the upper part of the plant turns bright pink for 2-3 months. This easy growing beauty is endemic to Santa Catalina, in SE Brazil. Cold hardy to at least - 8 C.
Easy growing bromeliad from Eastern Brazil. Aechmea roberto-seidelli has an upright, funnel-shaped rosette of somewhat spiny leaves. The green leaves will turn reddish-bronze in medium to strong light with very light silver
This bromeliad is sadly extinct in the wild. It is a mid-sized compact rosette of glossy green leaves with some orange colour. It produces a rather large blue-greem inflorescence.
Attractive hardy bromeliad with golden-green leaves and brown-black spines. Aechmea triangularis flowers in late spring, with red bracts and blue flowers. It tolerates frost - some growers say it can take down to - 6 C (21 F).
Very nice brazilian bromeliad with "different" colours: leaves are copper-olive to purple-jade, and the inflorescence has pink-coral bracts and blue-purple flowers.
Im Moment gibt es nur wenige Produkte in dieser Kategorie Bromelien