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Bromelicaeist eine große Famile vonkrautartigen Pflanzen aus den beiden amerikanischen Kontinenten. Wei viele Orchideen wachsen sie natürlicherweise auf Baumästen oder über Felsen und Klippen. Bromelien werden sehr unglaublichen aufgrund ihrer Farben und ihrer Eigenschaft einfach in Töpfen haltbar zu sein, geschätzt.
Wir bieten eine schöne Kollektion von Bromelien an as niemals von Europas Gartenzentren angeboten wird. Der weit verbreitete Handel verkauft meistens grüne, dünnblättrige Hybriden. Unser Shop hat ein ständig wachsendes Angebot an den Arten mit den stärksten und farbenfrohsten Blättern, die besser an die zu heißen oder kalten Bedingungen des Draußenseins angepasst sind. All unsere Bromelien werden als wurzelnackte “Welpen” verschickt. Dies ist die robuste Wurzelbrut, die nach dem Blühen produziert werden. Bromelien lassen sich hervorragend mit der Post verschicken und sind zudem günstig zu verschicken. Unsere robusten Welpen werden zumeist in weniger als einem Jahr blühen. .
This is a true wild clone of the elusive Neoregelia princeps. It is a species of unsurpassed beauty, with an appealing silver cross banding, especially evident on the underside of the leaves.
Beautiful and interesting, very stoloniferous Neoregelia species, undescribed until 1985. It has glossy yellow-green leaves, with wavy margins
Small colourful bromeliad from Brazil, with unsually intense purple dots.
This is one of the most beautiful bromeliads for the garden, with exciting colours. This clone has particularly wide leaves with changing colours of green-gray-brown. The leaf tip is bright pink. It can take full sun.
Most of the Neo spectabilis grown in collections are selected clones or hybrids, even if they have been propagated through the years with the species name. Here we offer the true wild species as it happens to grow in nature, with stiff yellow-green leaves and the typical pink tips.
Very tough, excellent hybrid. It is a small sized bromeliad with compact red-burgundy rosette, glossy and spineless, with wide, round-tipped leaves.
Popular variety that grows up to 20 cm in diameter. It has greenish-yellow leaves that are adorned with striking red bands. During the blooming period, it flushes red.
This is actually a variegated clone of a hybrid of 'Fireball' with some other species, known as 'Fallan'. True variegated fireballs do not exist and this is the closest thing we can think of.
Pure beauty! This old classic is small sized bromeliad has it all. It is fast and easy to grow in most conditions, prolific, colourful, spineless, glossy. It can be grown as a groundcover, epiphyte, in baskets, terrarium... Leaves are green in the shade, and turn red or purple in bright light with less fertilizer. It takes well close-to-freezing...
Bold small sized hybrid which keeps interesting colours in all conditions, but look in our picture how it colours up in full sun in early March!
'Imperfection" is a sport of Neoregelia 'Perfection', with the usual bold variegation and lots of bright spots. It is a mid sized spineless bromeliad, with gorgeous glossy leaves.
Bromeliad cross with glossy spineless leaves, with round and red tips. As it blooms, a coral-pink flush appears on the apple-green rosette. It was created (well) before 1970 by Hummel.
Perfection exists. This bromeliad is a variegated clone of the already spectacular hybrid named "Fosperior"… Foster's Superior. Smaller in size, it has outstanding dark and red stripes.
NEW - Small bromeliad able to withstand sun and shade. Good for terrariums.
There is almost too much colour in this small Neo hybrid. Thep coppery-red to red-pink leaves are variably marked in green to yellow, with spots and longitudinal dashes.
Im Moment gibt es nur wenige Produkte in dieser Kategorie Bromelien