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Obst, Kräuter und medizinische Pflanzen sollen zu einer besseren Gesundheit führen. In dieser Sektion erzeugt jeder Pflanzentyp einen gesunden Effekt, sowohl Obstbäume (Feijoa, Ananas, Fina de Jete...) als auch Pflanzen für die Gesundheit wie Graviolen, Aloe vera, Callisia fragrans...
Im normalen Stoffwechsel aller Lebewesen produziert der Organismus Substanzen aus Nährstoffen, die in der Umgebung vorhanden sind; manche dieser Chemikalien sind ein Teil der Prozesse in allen (oder beinahe) Arten von Lebewesen. Normalerweise sind die nutzbaren Verbindungen in einigen Teilen konzentriert: Blätter, Samen, Blüten...
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Die kanarischen Inseln sind ein Paradies für exotische Früchte und wir bieten die größte Selektion an tropischen Obstbäumen in Europa. Canarius vertreibt viele Sorten von Mangos, Papayas, Lychees und Zuckerrohr; und außerdem die eher seltenen Arten wie Carambola, Longan, Noni und den echten Kakaobaum. Nur die besten Auswüchse werden vermehrt und auf stärkere Wurzelstöcke gepfropft. Tropische Obstbäume machen sich besser in warmen Regionen, aber viele werden auch in meditteranem Klima gedeihen, wo Mango, Lychee und Avokado regelmäßigen leichten Frost überleben können.
In dieser Sektion haben wir solche Pflanzen zusammengefasst, von denen gesagt wird, dass sie einen positiven Effekt auf die Gesundheit haben. Diese Arten gehören zu verschiedenen Pflanzenfamilien und verschiedenen Regionen der Erde. Die verschiedenenn menschlichen Kulturen haben gelernt mit der Vielfalt der Pflanzen zu leben und manche Arten wurden zu therapeutischen Mitteln oder Medizin. Manche, wie die Aloe vera wachsen unter sonnigen und trockenen Bedingungen am besten und können in kleinen Töpfen leben. Manche andere werden zu großen Bäumen und brauchen Platz und Zeit um zu wachsen. Seien Sie vorsichtig, nicht alle diese Pflanzen sind essbar, manche sind giftig, wenn sie gegessen werden oder auf die Haut aufgetragen werden.
This variety has a tall growth habit, oval (hermaphrodite) / round (female) fruits of good size with red flesh.It usually weighs between 1.3 to 1.6 kgs with 12 to 13 Brix.
This variety of Mexican origin presents tall trees with fruits from 400 to 1200g, red pulp and high sugar content.
The Siluet variety has a very pleasant aroma similar to that of Hawaiian papayas. Siluet papayas weigh between 0.5 and 1.5 kg. Excellent internal quality with 4 cm thick red pulp. Fast growing tree, external maturation yellow with red tones.
This variety reachs 2 meters high. The fruitsare sweet and round, about 1200 gr.
F-1 hybrid developed by the Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Station in China. Plants are vigorous, prolific, and easy to grow.
This variety reachs 2 meters high. The fruitsare sweet and round, about 1200 gr.
Spiny evergreen shrub with fragrant jazmine-like flowers and red, fleshy fruits. They are edible and sweet despite bleeding a white sap when cut.
Endemic to the inland mountains in the SW Cape ofS Africa. It easily blooms in pots and does not need to bein the ground. It is the only mountain Carpobrotus and does not need a coastal climate. Leaves contain natural antibi
White sapote, Casimiroa edulis, also known as cochitzapotl in the Nahuatl language (meaning '"sleep-sapote") is a species of tropical fruiting tree in the family Rutaceae, native to eastern Mexico and Central America south to Costa Rica.
Ornamental and useful tree from Australia, New Caledonia and Vanuatu. It typically bears yellow and red flowers at the same time. Chestnuts are edible and good too, but they have to be leached and cooked before eating.
Carob trees are culivated throughout the Mediterranean. Fruits are highly nutritious: sweet, fibrous and juicy with a typical aroma reminiscent of chocolate. The ree itself is very ornamental too, with leathery glosssy dark green foliage.
The "star apple" is an evergreen fruit tree native to tropical America. It grows fast and can reach a height of 12-15 m (40-50 ft. Foliage is very ornamental, dark green above and bright, metallic, copper-coloured beneath.
Chaya is a domesticated shrub, from Central America, traditionally used as a vegetable and for medicinal purposes. Today it is becoming more and more popular because of its healthy nutritional value. It is easy to grow in sunny drained locations, including in large pots.
This perennial climber gives fruit similar to tiny cucumbers, turning red when fuly ripe. Not only the fruits but also the young shoots are used throughout Southern Asia, as food and medicine.
The beautiful sea-grape is native the Caribbean beaches. Fruits are tasty and reminiscent of grape. Is a beautiful shrub or tree, with large and thick round leaves. It is a shrub or small tree and can fruit in large pots or can be trained as a bonsai.
A strain of arabica coffee from Cape Verde Islands, grown on the island of Fogo.
A strain of arabica coffee from Cape Verde Islands, grown on the island of Fogo.
Coffea canephora was formerly named Coffea robusta and this is still the popular name used in the world coffee markets. It is a shrub 2-4 m tall and it needs some shade to thrive, and it is actually adaptable as a house plant.
Coleus barbatus, also known as Plectranthus barbatus or Indian Coleus, is a perennial herb native to tropical regions of Africa and India. It grows up to 1-2 meters tall, with thick, fleshy stems and green, aromatic leaves.
This Polynesian crop is also an incredible ornamental, with bold thick leaves and truly black leafstalks.
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