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Es handelt sich hierbei um eine neue, wachsende Sparte von Arten der Familie der Crassulaceae. Es gibt ungefähr 1.400 Arten in 33 Gattungen, die weltweit verbreitet sind, aber am häufigsten in der nördlichen Hemisphäre und im südlichen Afrika wachsen, besonders in trockenen Lebensräumen. Hier können Sie gesunde, sonnenverwöhnte Pflanzen, die auf den kanarischen Inseln gezüchtet wurden, kaufen und direkt nach Hause liefern lassen.
Three unrooted cuttings 10-12 cm. The pink, green and yellow variegated leaves make a show of this cascading South African Crassula, with hearth-shaped leaves and white flowers. Perfect for a baskets.
Attractive Crassula with gray leaves in opposite rows and clusters of white-pink flowers occur in Summer.
NEW ! Dense, branched, Cont. = 8 cm - Miniature shrubby plant with small leaves turning red in full sun. It blooms for months in winter-spring, with white fragrant flowers.
Crassula pubescens ssp. rattrayi grows wild in the summer rainfall areas of the Karroo desert in South Africa. It is perfect for small pots and also as a ground cover in rockeries.
Cont. = 5 cm This Crassula grows as a branched shrublet up to 30 cm high, with slightly woody branches, upright at first and decumbent later. Stem are fleshy and leaves are covered with white hairs, short and woolly with a nice texture.
We offer a plant of the following size: Large, branched, Cont.= 8,5 cm, tall, branched. Container size will just give you an idea of the size of the plant, because Crassulaceae are sent bare root. These plants are very tolerant of bare-rooting.
- Branched plant, Cont.= 8,5 cm. Small crassula forming worm-like branches with compact small leaves coating the stems. Endemic to the Klein Karoo, in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.
Beautiful varieagted selection of Crassula sarmentosa with creamy white stripes. Stems turn red if exposed to sunlight. The plant has a bushy/cascading habit and will eventually grow well in hanging pots or rockeries.
NEW ! - Branched Plant. Creeping or mat forming crassula, from rocky outcrops along forest margins in South Africa. If grown in full sun the leaves may turn intense green. Good for baskets.
This hybrid was made by crossing two compact species of Crassula, in order to obtain a cute, "living-stone" plant, resmbling indeed a Titanopsis.
Beautiful ornamental cross of crassulas, resembling a "Jade Necklace", with jade-green, red-edged leaves and rather large, pink-tinged flowers
NEW ! - This hybrid turns hot red in full sun. It came from Pretoria and it probably has "blood" of Crassula cultrata
NEW! - Cont.= 8,5 cm. This Echeveria from Hidalgo, Mexico, can take frost to about -4 C. It is a Clumping plant with rosettes of 10-18 cm in diameter and crimson-pink flowers. Albicans means "Whitening" because some parts are almost white.
NEWEcheveria 'Colorata' is an evergreen perennial succulent, with a rosette of fleshy leaves growing up to 40 centimetres in diameter.
NEW! Cont. = 8 cm . Elegant species with pale silver-green rosettes and coral-pink flowers with yellow tips . It is a cold hardy Echeveria native to Hidalgo, in NW Mexico.
This cultivar of Echeveria gibbiflora is especially ornamental, with waxy purplish leaves with a rounded apex.
Colourful species that grows as a small shrub, up to 30-40 cm tall. Leaves and young stems are fuzzy. Flowers are large and crimson-coloured.
Im Moment gibt es nur wenige Produkte in dieser Kategorie Crassulaceae