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Es handelt sich hierbei um eine neue, wachsende Sparte von Arten der Familie der Crassulaceae. Es gibt ungefähr 1.400 Arten in 33 Gattungen, die weltweit verbreitet sind, aber am häufigsten in der nördlichen Hemisphäre und im südlichen Afrika wachsen, besonders in trockenen Lebensräumen. Hier können Sie gesunde, sonnenverwöhnte Pflanzen, die auf den kanarischen Inseln gezüchtet wurden, kaufen und direkt nach Hause liefern lassen.
Ornamental shrublet to 40 cm tall, with rounded leaves with rounded teeth. Leaves are grey-green become very red when stressed by cold or drought. Flowers are yellow. It is native to KwaZulu-Natal, where it grows on cliffs.
One of the most colourful in the Crassulaceae family. This plant develops incredible colours on the bold rounded leaves when exposed to cool temperatures or grown in full sun: red to purple, pink or orange and then the white-bluish green background.
Cutting, 10-12 cm - Spectacular purple markings. This robust low shrub has large oval blue-green leaves with scalloped edge and. Click on the product and see a picture of the large white flowers: an addition to its beauty.
Succulent herb, up to 80 cm tall, native to the dry-deciduous forests of northern Madagascar.
Branched plant. Cont.= 8,5 cm. Elegant shrubby plant with flat, silvery leaves. It is native to dry forests of Southern Madagascar.It was originally described in 1912 and now it is a popular ornamental species.
Upright succulent from Madagascar, with showy winter flowers. This plant has a high concentration of alkaloids, steroids, lipids, and other phytochemical compounds.
Beautiful shrublet with compact growth, 20-40 cm in height.
Small Kalanchoe with rounded dark green leaves and red flowers. Native to one area in the central highlands in Madagascar, where it is found in humus patches on humid granite cliffs.
Dainty small Kalanchoe with shiny grey-white leaves specked in bright brown. Of course leaves are "rhomb" shaped. It typically branches from the bases and grows to 20-30 cm in height. It is is endemic to southwest Itampolo, in Madagascar.
Robust species from Socotra growing as a few-branched, upright, thick-stemmed shrub. Kalanchoe robusta tipically grows in holes and cracks of karstic rocks.
Kalanchoe sanctula, also named Bryophyllum sanctulum grows to 20-50 cm tall, with mottled leaves forming "pups" from their margins. It is native to open forests in SE Madagascar.
Beautiful, uncommon kalanchoe from Southern Madagascar with toothed margins. Leaves are grey green, with red margins, but they turn flaming red in full sun and cool weather.
Cold-hardy succulent plant, The best red-orange colours will show up in full sun and cold weather. Hardy to frost, down to about -6 C. Light frosts improve the colour!
NEW!- Branched, Cont.= 8,5 cm. Mexican succulent with blue waxy leaves and pink flowers. It grows wild on cliffs or on tree branches in Hidalgo, at about 1200 m. Stems creep to 50-70 in lenght. It takes light dry frosts and tested ok at -4 C in the U.K.
"Egg-bearing thick-plant", that is what the latin name means. This Pachyphytum is especially beautiful with prostate stems with compact rosettes made of large "egg-shaped" white leaves that can turn to brown, grey or jade depending on sun exposure and season.
NEW! - Branched plant, Cont.= 8,5 cm. Popular mexican plant with long weeping branches with dense blue-green leaves. It is great in pots or hanging baskets, because the cascading chains can get 1 m long or more. It naturally hangs from dry cliffs in South
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