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Se vi piacciono le piante esotiche, allora sei nel posto giusto. Canarius offre le piante esotiche difficile da trovare che sono raramente disponibili in centri di giardinaggio. Il nostro negozio ha specie naturali e rari ibridi. Offriamo piante esotiche provenienti dalle Isole Canarie.
Gli ordini sono inviati a ovunque in Europa e anche in tutto il mondo. I pacchi raggiungeranno la vostra casa in pochi giorni dopo la spedizione (ma abbiamo bisogno anche alcuni giorni per l'elaborazione). Non esitate a contattarci se avete domande.
I deserti del mondo e le zone secche ospitano le piante più interessanti. Canarius offre una selezione crescente di piante succulente di massima qualità, perché sono coltivate all'aperto, in pieno sole delle Isole Canarie.
I succulente o "piante grasse" sono specie di ritenzione di acqua, adattate alle condizioni di asciutto. Loro accumulano succum (succo, acqua) nelle loro foglie, steli o radici, e spesso mostrano un aspetto robusto e carnoso.
Le piante esotiche sono specie provenienti da altre parti del mondo, e di solito hanno le qualità ornamentali: una vegetazione lussureggiante, fiori colorati, forme insolite... Qui è possibile trovare una grande varietà di piante esotiche: da bromeliacee e Heliconias, fino a palme e piante d'appartamento.
Le piante esotiche non hanno un uso particolare. I collettori acquistano questo tipo di piante per la loro rarità, per la decorazione interna o esterna, a seconda delle loro caratteristiche.
Le piante da frutto, erbe e piante medicinale sono concentrati su come ottenere una salute migliore. In questo contenuto della sezione, ogni tipo di pianta produce effetti salutari, entrambi alberi da frutto (Feijoa, Ananas, Fina Jete...) e piante per la salute, come Graviola, Aloe vera, Callisia fragrans... Nel normale metabolismo di tutti gli esseri viventi, l'organismo produce delle sostanze nutritive da latenti per l'ambiente; alcune di queste sostanze chimiche sono parte del processo in tutte le specie. Normalmente, i composti utili sono concentrati in alcune dei sue parti: foglie, semi, fiori...
We offer a plant of the following size: Large, branched, Cont.= 8,5 cm, tall, branched. Container size will just give you an idea of the size of the plant, because Crassulaceae are sent bare root. These plants are very tolerant of bare-rooting.
- Branched plant, Cont.= 8,5 cm. Small crassula forming worm-like branches with compact small leaves coating the stems. Endemic to the Klein Karoo, in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.
Beautiful varieagted selection of Crassula sarmentosa with creamy white stripes. Stems turn red if exposed to sunlight. The plant has a bushy/cascading habit and will eventually grow well in hanging pots or rockeries.
NEW ! - Branched Plant. Creeping or mat forming crassula, from rocky outcrops along forest margins in South Africa. If grown in full sun the leaves may turn intense green. Good for baskets.
This hybrid was made by crossing two compact species of Crassula, in order to obtain a cute, "living-stone" plant, resmbling indeed a Titanopsis.
Beautiful ornamental cross of crassulas, resembling a "Jade Necklace", with jade-green, red-edged leaves and rather large, pink-tinged flowers
NEW ! - This hybrid turns hot red in full sun. It came from Pretoria and it probably has "blood" of Crassula cultrata
Crescentia cujete is not a typical fruit tree because fruits are not edible, but they are still some of the most useful fruits in this world.
Shrub or small tree with spreading stems, and small ovate leaves, just like some Didieraceae from Madagascar. Flowers are large and weird, bat pollinated. It is a relative of the common Calabash Tree, adapted to harsh coastal conditions.
Bulbous perennial with umbels of large, bell-shaped, deep rose to wine-red flowers(rose-purple to red-purple) 10cm long
Bulbous perennial with umbels of large, bell-shaped, deep rose to wine-red flowers(rose-purple to red-purple) 10cm long
This swamp crinum is native to Texas, to So.Carolina, Mexico and some Caribbean islands. It loves water and it can fit in your pond, but it can also thrive in a simple pot. Leaves are erect and plants clump slowly. It taks frost!
This is one of the cold resistant forms of the learge green-leaved Crinum from the Pacific ocean. It comes from the South of Japan and can take short frosts. It grows well outdoors in Mediterranean conditions.
This is the GIANT form from New Caledonia, Fidji and neighbouring islands. It grows as tall as a banana tree, with a total height of 2 to 4 m. It is a supreme ornamental with wide leaves and astonishing inflorescenes 40-50 m in diameter, with white scented flowers. It loves well drained sandy soils and full sun.
This is the GIANT form from New Caledonia, Fidji and neighbouring islands. It grows as tall as a banana tree, with a total height of 2 to 4 m. It is a supreme ornamental with wide leaves and astonishing inflorescenes 40-50 m in diameter, with white scented flowers. It loves well drained sandy soils and full sun.
Large-sized ornamental Crinum with wide leaves, rather flat but with undulate margins.The white flowers are huge as usual, in the species, with rather thin and drooping petals. It is naturally found in seashores or sandy places near river banks in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
h= 25-40 cm plants. Variegated, white-striped form of Crinum asiaticum. It can attain 1,20 m in height. White flowers. A classic plant of Asian Tropical Gardening.
h=80-100 cm plants. Variegated, white-striped form of Crinum asiaticum. It can attain 1,20 m in height. White flowers. A classic plant of Asian Tropical Gardening.
Striking ornamental from the SW Pacific, where it was already used as an ornamental by natives. Plant it in full sun on a green backdrop, to enhance the golden colour. It is both spelled xanthophyllum and zanthophyllum.
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