Aspidistra elatior var. attenuata Visualizza ingrandito

Aspidistra elatior var. attenuata

This is considered the most floriferous aspidistra, because its large flowers carpet the ground conspicuously during the winter months.

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19,40 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

Con l'acquisto di questo prodotto è possibile raccogliere fino a 9 Punti fedeltà.

It was described in 1912 as Aspidistra attenuata and it is endemic to the mountains of Taiwan, at about 1000--2000 m. This clone, labelled BSWJ377, was the most floriferous aspidistra collected on an expedition to Taiwan in 1992 from a very well drained shady area near the village of Dungpu (Tungpu), at the base of Yushan, Taiwan's highest mountain. Hardy to about -15 C.

What do we ship?

We ship a bare rooted block of rhizomes with roots and leaves. You can pot it in a 15-17 cm pot. Pay Attention: In some seasons of the year, we might trim back part of the foliage. Don't be scared! The plant will grow back quickly and fill the pot in a few months. Also, sometimes our plant will not show the typical white shade, because we grow them in high light in order to produce stronger, denser rhizomes. Don't worry ! All new leaves will be typically variegated.

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Asie
Presentazione Radice nuda
Famiglia botanica Asparagaceae
Luce Ombra
Temperatura minima in inverno -20 ºC a -10 ºC
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Colore Verde
Colore Bianco
Cura Vaso
Cura Bassa manutenzione
Cura Piante d'appartamento
Forma Perenni
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