Cissus hamaderoensis Visualizza ingrandito

Cissus hamaderohensis

Succulent shrub from upland Socotra. This Cissus has flat grey stems, they can be scrambling, creeping or even climbing. We offer a rooted cutting, with one ore more new growths.

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27,50 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

Con l'acquisto di questo prodotto è possibile raccogliere fino a 13 Punti fedeltà.

Succulent shrub from upland Socotra. This Cissus has flat grey stems, they can be scrambling, creeping or even climbing. We offer a rooted cutting, with one ore more new growths. It is easy to keep and tolerates harsh Mediterranean conditions.

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Asie
Presentazione Radice nuda
Famiglia botanica Vitaceae
Luce Sole
Tipo pianta Legnose
Cura Vaso
Forma Perenni