Dracaena surculosa Visualizza ingrandito

Dracaena surculosa 'Florida Beauty'

This dracaena looks different from most others. It has showy mottled foliage held on thin bamboo-like stems. Also its white flowers are beautiful as they show up on sphaerical, fragrant inflorescences. It is native to the rainforest understorey of different West African countries and does well as a house plant in a bright room.

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16,20 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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This dracaena looks different from most others. It has showy mottled foliage held on thin bamboo-like stems. Also its white flowers are beautiful as they show up on sphaerical, fragrant inflorescences. Dracaena surculosa is native to the rainforest understorey of different West African countries and does well as a house plant in a bright room. Its growth habit is suprisingly similar to bamboos. It first sends thin upright shoots from its base below ground, and only once they are tall enough they start to grow foliage. Its height can regulated by pruning at any height from 0,5 m to more than 4 m. It is said to attain almost 20 m in habitat, with its thin stems scrambling on tree branches.
Coltivazione Protetta
Presentazione Radice nuda
Dimensione massima 300cm e più
Famiglia botanica Asparagaceae
Luce Sole
Stagione della fioritura Mesi più freddi
Tipo pianta Legnose
Cura Vaso
Forma Alberi
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