Erythrina melanacantha Visualizza ingrandito

Erythrina melanacantha

Tree 4-20 m tall, with corky bark and hooked spines on the branches. The flowers have the beautiful red so typical of the genus Erythrina.

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58,30 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Tree 4-20 m tall, with corky bark and hooked spines on the branches. The flowers have the beautiful red so typical of the genus Erythrina. Leaflets are rather rounded, hence its former name Erythrina rotundata. The species is distributed from Ethiopia to Tanzania, and it is also found on the island of Socotra. This strain originaated in Nyambeni, Kenya
Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Oceania
Presentazione Pianta in vaso
Dimensione massima 300cm e più
Famiglia botanica Fabaceae
Luce Sole
Temperatura minima in inverno 0 ºC a 15 ºC
Stagione della fioritura Primavera
Tipo pianta Legnose
Colore Arancione
Cura Bassa manutenzione
Forma Alberi
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