Kohleria amabilis var. bogotensis - Tree Gloxinia Visualizza ingrandito

Petrea volubilis

Showy flowering plant from Central America, with astonishing mauve blooms and ornamental foliage made of dark-green leaves with sandpaper surface.

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Showy flowering plant from Central America, with astonishing mauve blooms and ornamental foliage made of dark-green leaves with sandpaper surface. Petrea starts its life as a shrub and then goes up as a climber. It is better trained in pergolas or fences and will make an effect comparable to pink wisterias. Petrea has become a classic of tropical gardeining, but it shows some cold resistance and will grow and blooms outdoor on the warmer coasts of the Mediterranean. We offer a stout rooted plant. Height can be 60-120 cm tall.

Picture By JMK - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25429916

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Asie
Presentazione Pianta in vaso
Dimensione massima 150cm-200cm
Famiglia botanica Orchidaceae
Luce Ombra
Temperatura minima in inverno 5 ºC a 15 ºC
Stagione della fioritura Estate
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Colore Verde
Cura Vaso
Forma Perenni