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Fiori vistosi; questo tipo di fiori attira animali e rende possibile l'impollinazione. Essi sono di importanza fondamentale in parchi e giardini. Il colore li rende più appariscente. L'attraente dei fiori vistosi rimane mentre la pianta è viva e la sua bellezza risiede nelle sue foglie, che vengono dai colori vivaci.
Questi fiori aggiungono bellezza e colore al giardino.Potrete possono trovare nel nostro negozio on-line una varietà di loro come ad esempio: Clivia x Cyrtanthiflora, Convolvulus cneorum, Heliconia stricta 'Dwarf Jamaican' tra gli altri Heliconia stricta.
Evergreen shrub native to Central America with exotic orange flowers.
A most elegant subtropical shrub, with soft woody stems and large, wide, deep-green leaves. Then it bears some supreme bright yellow inflorescences which are very long lasting. Justicia aurea is fast growing and it is great in bright shade to create a quick tropicalesque effect. It is better pruned back after blooming, otherwise it becomes leggy and old.
1-2 year old seedling. Evergreen perennial from South Africa to 1.2 m, with long, arching angled leaves and dense rounded spikes of tubular bright red flowers fading to yellow. It flowers in mid winter and is therefore well adapted to the mild Mediterranean climate.
Cont: 14 cm. This is a new, unique shrub to small tree, native to semi-dry Madagascar. Koehneria is a poorly studied monotypic genus, described in 1986. but it is a relative of the most popular ornamental genus Lagerstroemia and its abundant pink flowers do justice to its "blood".
Very exotic foliage, velvety, translucent and with bright copper patches This gesneriad grows up to 60 cm tall and blooms profusely in Spring and Summer with VERY exotic flowers. Say tree-gloxinia and many people will imagine this plant.
Each bulb bears two lanceolate leaves per year and produces showy spikes of white flowers, about 20 cm tall in March or April, just before leaves die off.
This is one of those American Amaryllids that drive collectors crazy. Each bulb produces one very large flower similar to Hymenocallis or Pancratium, but up to 18 cm in diameter!
Elegant evergreen shrub with deep green fragrant leaves that bears small flowers of white to pink in colour. It is resistant to moderate frost. This plant is called Manuka and it is known for medicinal purposes but also because it makes a special bee honey. There are also reports of therapeutic properties.
No common name is enough for this bulb, which bears one of the most beautiful flowers on Earth. It is the showiest of the genus Lilium but it stands out because of its perfect adaptation to mediterranean climates: it sprouts a new rosettes in autumn, and keeps growing through the winter until it blooms and dies back to ground in early summer.
Lovely subtropical flowering tree, deciduous in winter, able to grow in harsh conditions. Inflorescences are abundantly produced and deeply scented.
This white honeysuckle is a classic of all times. It is a fast growing, robust vine with sweet smelling white flowers. Thesea are developed in pairs and turn cream coloured as they age. It can be kept low as a shrub. It is also used medicinally, both by modern science and by traditional Chinese medicine.
Evergreen, everblooming shrub with exotic hibiscus-like red flowers. "Mexicanus" is a classic form used for its beauty with much larger drooping flowers. It grows outdoors in Mediterranean to Tropical climates and takes drought. It is also suitable for pots and pruning so it can be grown in northern latitudes and kept pruned indoors in the coldest months.
Mandevilla sanderi is a vine with glossy opposite leaves and showy flowers. It is almost everblooming in warmer climates and it takes also cool temperatures (not frost!).
Mandevilla sanderi is a vine belonging to the Mandevilla genus. This is the red variety.
This is one of the showiest shrubs in Tenerife, continuously flowering from summer to fall. Megaskepasma is the perfect garden shrub, with elegant opposite leaves and showy terminal blooms with crimson bracts and two-lipped white flowers.
Spectacular crimson-stamened pincushion or pom-pom type flowers adorn the plant through spring and summer.
Ornamental banana of moderate size, with very showy pink-orange inflorescences. The whole plant is usually only 2-3 m tall, the foliage is very ornamental and the bright bracts are often held at eye level.
"Splendens Foliis Variegatis" ... it is a splendid name! This variegated, double-pink oleander is an unsurpassed old European cultivar, which was first mentioned in 1854 in Handbuch der Blumengärtnerei, by J.W. F. Bosse.
Classic waterlily which is known from a large part Africa, spanning from Tropical Kenia to South Africa and Madagascar. Its flower shows he boldest contrast of blue and yellow. It is diurnal, with flowers opening and closing for three consecutive days.
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