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Questa è la nostra selezione di piante che possono vivere nella vostra casa, come "piante d'appartamento". Queste specie difficili da trovare sono molto diversi, ma tutti possono essere coltivate in casa. Alcuni possono prendere luminosità molto scarsa e alcuni altri potrebbe aver bisogno di ricevere il sole da una finestra. Palme, bromeliacee, cordylines ed aspidistre non devono mai asciugarsi. D'altra parte, Sansevierias, Hoyas e Rhipsalis necessitano di meno acqua e possono anche prendere la siccità.
Ornamental and useful tree from Australia, New Caledonia and Vanuatu. It typically bears yellow and red flowers at the same time. Chestnuts are edible and good too, but they have to be leached and cooked before eating.
Small clumping palm with elegant entire, bifid leaves. Stems are very thin. It is still rare in cultivation, and critically endangered in the wild. It is native to the understorey of wet lowland forest in Guatemala and Honduras. In can grow in tropical to warm Mediterranean conditions - suitable for indoor cultivation, as it can be kept in a pot for its...
Uncommon cool-growing palm from high-elevations of Central America. It has a clustering bamboo-like habit. Leaves are lush and attractive. A gem for collectors. As many other chamaedoreas it is a good houseplant.
Clumping, cool-growing palm to 4 m in height. It is found in the rainforest of Veracruz, in Mexico at an elevation of 1000-1500 m.It is hardy to light, short frost and can thrive outdoors in the warmer coastal areas of the Mediterranean.
This palm has quite unique leaves because segments are grouped, so each leaf has its own "rhythm". It is a small-sized uncommon palm from Central America. It has a solitary bamboo-like stem. It is very cool-tolerant and grows perfectly in the shade in the coastal mediterranean.
Chamaedorea microspadix, is a cold hardy "bamboo palm," is native to mid to high elevations in Central America.
This small, thin palm is one of the hardiest Chamaedoreas and can take frost to about -6 C. It grows very fast, especially when young.
This easy-growing palm is widespread in Central America and it is often compared to bamboo, because of its habit. It is quite hardy to cold and drought and can take frost to about -3 C. It is also an excellent indoor plant so it can decorate your house during the coldest months with no setback.
Caribbean shrub or tree with glossy, leathery rounded leaves, often with white aerial roots. It is called "autograph tree" because you can write with a stick on the leaves and it will last forever! Clusia can grow in most conditions, from sun to shade, in pots, even as an indoor plant. It can take drought and long floods. It also stands intense heat and...
This wonderful croton cultivar is widely cultivated in the Canary Islands since immemorial time. These older cultivars are hardier than others to wind and drought. It has lots of green in the leaves, so growth is very robust.
Petra is a classic cultivar of croton, with brightly coloured veins. Leaves start green with bright yellow veining, then they turn orange as they get older and then eventually become green-and-yellow again, as they mature.
Coffea canephora was formerly named Coffea robusta and this is still the popular name used in the world coffee markets. It is a shrub 2-4 m tall and it needs some shade to thrive, and it is actually adaptable as a house plant.
Frost hardy selection of Cordyline australis, with spectacular burgundy red leaves. It eventually becomes a tall branched palm-like tree, hardy to frost! It grows outdoors in Temperate to Subtropical conditions and does equally well in London or in the Canary Islands.
The plain green form is the ancestor of all ornamental forms of Cordyline fruticosa. It is more robust and hardy than most. It is widespread in the Pacific Islands where it is ubiquitously planted. This plant is very useful for cooking and for medicinal purposes. Leaves are used to wrap and cook all types of food, roots are edible too.
Small sized leaves, mostly green but they develop creamy-white margins and tips at the peak of the growing season. It is an unusual "variegation" reminiscent of the famous Japanese Aspidistra cv. Asa Ahi. Our current picture does not do any justice because we took it at the start of new growth.
Large sized, almost black leaves, with blueish wax. The whole plant is very erect and robust, up to 4,5 m tall. "Lyon' s Black" is one of the boldest cultivars. It was selected at Lyon Arboretum, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Supreme small leaved colourful Hawaiian hybrid. Tough, wind-resistant leaves of "all-colours". It stands both full sun and shade and even bright indoor conditions.
One of the best-looking modern cordylines! There are just too many colours in its leaves. Cream and chocolate stripes are intermingled with about anything between pink green and blue. 'Miss Andrea' also has a compact growth habit and it rarely exceeds 1 m in height as it branches from below, forming a round mass of tidy rosettes.
Nice and still very hardy. New Conga is a very good cultivar because its white margins seldom get burned as in other white-variegated cordylines. Leaves are small to mid sized and it usually stays low, at about 80 cm.
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