Nuovo Sconti! Neoregelia mcwilliamsii Visualizza ingrandito

Neoregelia mcwilliamsii

Unsurpassed classic beauty with perfectly smooth rosettes. Its narrow light-green leaves will show out the brightest red when the center turns colourful, as the plant approaches blooming.

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Unsurpassed classic beauty with perfectly smooth rosettes. Its narrow light-green leaves will show out the brightest red when the center turns colourful, as the plant approaches blooming.

Our clone of Neoregelia mcwilliamsii grows to about 50 cm in diameter and spreads on stolons, so it is a great groundcover or a cascade plant if hung from above. It thrives in medium light and can also tolerate some full sun.

The two pictures of blooming plants are cropped images from Wikimedia, By Bocabroms - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Coltivazione Protetta
Presentazione Radice nuda
Dimensione massima 50cm-100cm
Famiglia botanica Bromeliaceae
Luce Medio
Temperatura minima in inverno 0 ºC a 10 ºC
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Colore Arancione
Forma Perenni