Parmentiera cereifera - Candle Tree Visualizza ingrandito

Parmentiera cereifera - Candle Tree

Shrub to small tree, up to 6 m tall, with showy fruits which are both ornamental and edible. It is native to Central America and bears nice bignoniaceous flowers followed by long and thin waxy yellow fruits. up to 60 cm long. 

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Shrub to small tree, up to 6 m tall, with showy fruits which are both ornamental and edible. It is native to Central America and bears nice bignoniaceous flowers followed by long and thin waxy yellow fruits. up to 60 cm long. The "Candle Tree" is a conversation-piece and people-stopper, and it is now popular in tropical pàrks and botanical gardens as an ornamental tree.

Pictures from Flickr: (imagen) (imagen)
Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta America
Presentazione Pianta in vaso
Dimensione massima 300cm e più
Famiglia botanica Bignoniaceae
Luce Sole
Temperatura minima in inverno 0 ºC a 15 ºC
Stagione della fioritura Mesi più caldi
Tipo pianta Legnose
Colore Verde
Cura Vaso
Cura Bassa manutenzione
Forma Alberi