Sconti! Sansevieria ehrenbergii - Large Plant Visualizza ingrandito

Sansevieria ehrenbergii - Large Plant

Giant Plant: Perfect 60-70 cm wide fan -  Form with green long leaves, probably originating from Ethiopia or Eritrea of this spectacular fan-succulent with thick blue-green leaves. Seldomoffered for sale. Slow growing.,

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27,00 €

54,00 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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Spectacular fan-shaped succulent with distichously arranged, Sansevieria ehrenbergii is a widespread species and Canarius here offers this form with green long leaves, probably originating from Ethiopia or Eritrea. There are some similar plants in Somalia with shorter darker, grayer leaves.

Seldom offered for sale. Sansevieria ehrenbergii is a slow growing, impressive species with fan-shaped clumps of up to 10 spear like, rigid leaves. Sansevieria ehrenbergii is a widespread species. 

We ship a Giant Plant: A perfect 60-70 cm wide fan, extremely robust, grown outdoors in full morning+midday sun.

Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Africa
Presentazione Radice nuda
Dimensione massima 40cm-70cm
Famiglia botanica Asparagaceae
Luce Medio
Temperatura minima in inverno 5 ºC a 10 ºC
Tipo pianta Erbacee
Cura Vaso
Forma Succulente