Sansevieria x 'Midnight Fountain' Visualizza ingrandito

Sansevieria x 'Midnight Fountain'

This sansevieria is slender, as a "fountain!", with very dark blue-green leaves with a red edge. 

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16,40 €

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Canarius Plants Lovers

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This sansevieria is slender, as a "fountain!", with very dark blue-green leaves with a red edge. This easy to grow hybrid was developed by a fibre research project of the USDA in the 1950s. So they were looking for good fibre-producing plants, but this clone survived due to its beauty.
Coltivazione Protetta
Origine della pianta Africa
Presentazione Pianta in vaso
Dimensione massima 20cm-30cm
Famiglia botanica Zamiaceae
Luce Medio
Luce Ombra
Temperatura minima in inverno 5 ºC a 10 ºC
Tipo pianta Legnose
Colore Verde
Cura Vaso
Cura Piante d'appartamento
Forma Succulente