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Recentemente assegnato alla famiglia Asparagaceae, il genere Sansevieria conta circa 70 specie, quasi tutti nativi in Africa, Arabia e Madagascar. Erbe perenni adatti per gli habitat secchi con foglie rigide, succulente, la loro lunghezza varia da pochi centimetri a 2 metri. Sansevieria trifasciata e le sue numerose cultivar sono tra le piante d'appartamento più apprezzati, popolarmente chiamata la lingua di suocera. Una pianta ben coltivata di solito produce un picco di molti fiori bianchi, riccamente profumati e poi bacche arancioni. Anche le specie più rare sono resistenti ad abbandono, a condizione di tenerli dal gelo in inverno e sole cocente in estate.
One mature rosette, 5-8 cm diameter. A miniature creeping Sansevieria, with spiky tight rosettes on stolons. This "Bally 12681" from Kenya is surely the smallest and the cutest of all the species! Easy and fast growing. Good for terrariums and for hanging baskets.
NEW ! Large head with leaves of 30-40 cm - This species has cylindrical smooth leaves with a green-gray banding.Old plants in the ground can reach 1-2 m in height.
Patula is the most compact variety of the popular Sansevieria cylindrica. Leaves are cute and chubby, silvery and banded in high light. Solitary plants often resemble a chubby human hand !
30-40 cm wide. This is a form with green long leaves, originating from Ethiopia or Eritrea. There are some similar plants in Somalia with shorter grayer leaves. Fan-shaped succulent with distichously arrangedthick leaves, of a bright blue-green. Slow growing and still very uncommon in the trade.
Giant Plant: Perfect 60-70 cm wide fan - Form with green long leaves, probably originating from Ethiopia or Eritrea of this spectacular fan-succulent with thick blue-green leaves. Seldomoffered for sale. Slow growing.,
NEW ! - plantlets with own roots in 6cm.pot -Distinctive species with short, conical leaves arranged in tightwhorls of five. The new plants grow on the tip of rigid, ascendingstolons produced at the base of the stem. Slow but easy,
Curious plant nicknamed “Baseball Bat” for the unusual look of its banded tubular leaves, growing from a short underground rhizome. It is easy, but very slow growing: a rare collector’splant.
Big shoots, 50-60cm tall - Vigorous species, widely distributed in Central-Southern Africa. It has larger tall flat leaves, marked with pale green spots and a red margin. It likes shade and grows indoors. Traded in Africa as a medicinal plant.
This exceedengly ornamental Sansevieria was collected in the Mbeya Province, in Tanzania and it has been grown for years as Sansevierias sp. Silver Blue.
Elegant sansevieria with large wideerect mottled leaves. It is native to Zaire and was described in theyear 2000. Single or paired leaves rise from a thick, undergroundrhizome.
NEW ! - Small rooted clump - "Parva" means "small"! Tiny stoloniferous species, eventually forming a carpet or filling ahanging basket. Native to cooler mountains of Rwanda, Uganda andKenya, it is probably the hardiest of the Sansevierias.
Very diffent among sansevierias, this species has chubby leaves with a spine on the tip, and it grows on stolons, so it "walks" .We offer a well rooted plant of 24 cm height.
Very diffent among sansevierias, this species has chubby leaves with a spine on the tip, and it grows on stolons, so it "walks" .We offer a well rooted plant of 24 cm height.
Native to Southern and Eastern India, this Sansevieria grows to 40-80 cm in height. It is found on dry forested slopes, gravelly soil and rock crevices, less often in the plains, from rather low elevations up to 1000 m.
A huge clump of Green Elephant Tusks: stiff, upright cylindrical leaves up to 2 m tall. This is an impressive species from Tropical East Africa. The largest of all sansevierias. It can grow indoors in a large pot, in bright light. We ship a 40-60 cm plant, bare-rooted.
NEW ! - Cont. 8-10 cm. The most sought after of all the “Hahnii”. Thin, small, yellow, semi translucent leaves with a wide, central green band. Its ample variegation makes this plant the most delicate of the series: better grown indoor in a warm,
NEW ! - 30 cm tall, cont. 12 cm. Wonderful, new cultivar showing a unique type of variegation:looks as painted with glossy creamy-golden enamel. It grows in ‘tulip shaped’ rosettes of thick, 30 cm long, arching leaves. The most brightly coloured.
Al momento ci sono pochi prodotti in questa categoria Sansevieria