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Dies ist unsere Sektion von Pflanzen, die etwas Kälte ertragen können. Manche können nur kühles Wetter und leichten Frost ertragen, aber manche andere können in kälteren Klima straken Frost aushalten. Sie sind alle sehr verschieden, aber sie verdienen es mal ausprobiert zu werden, denn all diese tropisch aussehenden Pflanzen haben nicht tropische Bedürfnisse. Sie werden sicherlich in meditteranen Klimazonen draußen gedeihen oder in einem mild geheizten Treibhaus, in dem Frost nicht aufkommen kann.
This Oxalis comes from an area in Chile with scarce winter rainfall, dry summers and abundant humidity in the air. It is a shrub, 1-2 m tall and ocasionally more, with succulent trifoliate leaves and abundant bright yellow flowers. Oxalis gigantea is the largest species in the genus. It is slow growing and long leaved.
Pack of 5 bulbs. A four-leaved lucky clover native to Mexico. Easy to grow. It is a people stopper, because all leaves are split in four. This species is also small and beautiful, in terms of leaves and flowers.
NEW!- Branched, Cont.= 8,5 cm. Mexican succulent with blue waxy leaves and pink flowers. It grows wild on cliffs or on tree branches in Hidalgo, at about 1200 m. Stems creep to 50-70 in lenght. It takes light dry frosts and tested ok at -4 C in the U.K.
"Egg-bearing thick-plant", that is what the latin name means. This Pachyphytum is especially beautiful with prostate stems with compact rosettes made of large "egg-shaped" white leaves that can turn to brown, grey or jade depending on sun exposure and season.
Bromeliads are ornamental plants of tropical origin. Few species are cold-hardy, even freeze, as Bromeliads. Due to they are uncommon and very cold-hardy, on we propose Bromeliads as: Deuterocohnia chlorantha, Aechmea blumenavii, Hechtia tillandsioides or Billbergia sp. Succulent.
Choicy Hardy Perennials are small plants (sometimes very different among them) with a foliage very showy and green that present a great variety of resources to survive a long time. Some clear examples of this plant category are: Agave Americana medio-picta, Aspidistra asahi, Aechmea blumenavii or Pleioblastus Pygmaeus.
We are specialists in exotic tropical fruit trees, but we also grow and offer some fruit trees which are not tropical at all and can take frost. For example: Almonds tree, Persimmons and also some Canarian cultivars of Fig Trees are perfectly suited for Mediterranean to Temperate climates.
Bromeliads are small plants with extraordinary beauty, easy to raise. They generally use to grow above unstable situations (branches or stones). That’s why they get used to potted plant so quick. There are around 3.000 species of Bromeliads. Most of them are tropical. However, there are some plants that come from clod places. On Canarius, we offer some...
Ornamental climber with delicate pinnate foliage and elegant pink flowers with purple throat. The blooming season is extended througout the warm season. It is hardy to about -5 C (23 F) and can grow in places with cool summers.
Exotic climber in the bignonia family with white flowers with pink throat. This is a delightful variegated cultivar with white leaf margins.
"Sweet granadilla" is a high-elevation passion fruit from the Andes. It does well in cool climates and can fruit even in countries with short, cool summers. It does not like frost but it can sprout back from the roots or it can be pruned and protected.
This is an old classic climbing Philodendron with quintessentially exotic leaves and a remarkable cold tolerance. It is a variable species with many forms, selections and also hybrids. This clone we offer is an old "traditional" form, possibly one of the earliest wild ones taken to Europe.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Phormiums are great ornamentals from the South Pacific, they are hardy to -10 or lower, so they are perfect to create an exotic look in non-tropical gardens.
Herbaceous shrub with japanese-lantern shaped fruit with a tasty edible orange berry inside. The orange-red papery covering over the fruit resembles paper lanterns.
"Elkhorn ferns" or "staghorn ferns" naturally grow on tree trunks as epiphytes. This species is native to Oceania and tolerates almost-freezing temperatures, so it can be grown outdoors in sheltered areas of the Mediterranean. We offer a large multi-headed plant grown in a hanging basket. If you divide it, you can make 2 or 3 large plants and a few more...
Pygmy bamboo is one of the smallest bamboos, and its leaves are also very small. It will quickly form a very nice carpet in the garden. It is one of the best of the dwarf bamboos for use as a bonsai. This species is similar to Pleioblastus distichus, but its leaves do not display the fern-like leaf grouping.
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