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Dies ist unsere Sektion von Pflanzen, die etwas Kälte ertragen können. Manche können nur kühles Wetter und leichten Frost ertragen, aber manche andere können in kälteren Klima straken Frost aushalten. Sie sind alle sehr verschieden, aber sie verdienen es mal ausprobiert zu werden, denn all diese tropisch aussehenden Pflanzen haben nicht tropische Bedürfnisse. Sie werden sicherlich in meditteranen Klimazonen draußen gedeihen oder in einem mild geheizten Treibhaus, in dem Frost nicht aufkommen kann.
Blueberry variety adapted to all types of climates, quite vigorous and very productive. Its fruit is of good size, very firm, light blue in color and excellent flavor. Its harvest is very long (6-8 weeks), from mid-June to the end of July.
Northland is a vigorous and high yelding blueberry. Fruits are medium-sized and soft, typically held in clusters. They are sweet, with a "wild Blueberry taste". It is better dehydrated. Not the best when frozen.
This cultivar of Blueberry is mid bearing in season. Fruits are dark blue, almost black.
This plant produces beautiful pink blueberries. Its flavor is very rich, sweet and has good texture. They are very productive plants, with vigorous and thin elongated leaves. If we combine it with blueberry varieties, we increase its yield. It is harvested from the end of July to the end of September.
A close relative of papaya, this exciting plant was domesticated in the Andes at high elevation, where frost is common. Good tasting fruits! A must for tropical fruit lovers living in colder climates.
Deciduous relative of domestic papayas. Fruits are 2-5 cm long, sweet and juicy, quite nice to eat. It is easy to grow in harsh, mediterranean conditions as it takes drought and some cold too. With age it will form a "fat" trunk.
One of the best vrieseas, able to grow in cooler conditions and to take short frosts.
NEW! - White flowered form of the popular Wisteria climber.
Classic pink-flowered selection of the typically mauve-blue flowered wisteria. This climber is a prolific bloomer and thrives in temperate to mediterranean and cool-subtropical climates.
Spectacular Japanese selection species of a stemless Yucca species, with a golden central stripe. It grows elegant rosettes of glossy variegated leaves with undulate margins. Frost hardy.
Variegated selection of the popular Yucca native to the SE USA.
Frost-hardy Collector's Yucca named after the Sierra Madre Occidental of Mexico.
Caribbean cycad with elgant leaves with regularly spaced glossy leaflets. It grows in harsh areas and it is easy to grow in full sun. We offer a three years old plant.
This small tolerant species grows in shady semi-evergreen forests to pine-oak forests in Veractuz, Mexico. It is hardy to drought and occasional mild frosts. It will grow easily outdoors in the coastal Mediterranean, better if protected under tree canopy. It also thrives as an indoor plant. All our plants in this batch are starting to cone, now or soon.
Im Moment gibt es nur wenige Produkte in dieser Kategorie Kälteresistente Pflanzen