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Si te gustan las plantas exóticas, acabas de llegar al lugar correcto. Canarius ofrece plantas exóticas difíciles de conseguir, que raramente se encuentran en tiendas de jardinería. Nuestra tienda tiene especies naturales, así como híbridos poco frecuentes. Ofrecemos plantas exóticas procedentes de las Islas Canarias.
Los pedidos se envían a cualquier lugar de Europa y también a todo el mundo. Los paquetes llegarán a su casa en pocos días después de ser enviados (tenga en cuenta que también necesitamos algunos días para el procesamiento). No dude en contactar con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta.
Los desiertos y las áreas secas son el hogar de las plantas más interesantes. Canarius ofrece una selección creciente de plantas suculentas de la máxima calidad, ya que han sido cultivadas al aire libre, bajo el pleno sol de las Islas Canarias.
Las suculentas o "plantas crasas" son especies que retienen agua, que están adaptadas a las condiciones de sequía. Estas plantas almacenan succum (jugo, agua) en sus hojas, tallos o raíces, y con frecuencia muestran un aspecto grueso y carnoso.
Las plantas exóticas son especies originarias de otras partes del mundo y que normalmente, tienen un carácter ornamental, una vegetación exuberante, con flores coloridas, formas inusuales... Aquí puede encontrar una gran variedad de plantas exóticas: desde bromelias y heliconias, hasta palmeras y plantas de interior.
Las plantas exóticas no tienen un uso específico. Los coleccionistas compran este tipo de plantas por su rareza, para decoración interior o exterior, en función de sus características.
Los árboles frutales, las hierbas y las plantas medicinales nos permiten mejorar nuestra salud y alimentación. En esta sección, cada tipo de planta tiene efectos saludables, tanto los frutales (Feijoa, piña, Fina de Jete...), como plantas para la salud, como Graviola, Aloe vera, Callisia fragrans...
En el metabolismo normal de todos seres vivos, el organismo produce algunas sustancias a partir de los nutrientes presentes en el entorno; algunos de estos químicos son parte del proceso en todo (o casi todo) tipo de especies. Normalmente, los componentes útiles están concentrados en algunas de sus partes: hojas, semillas, flores...
¡Encuentre su planta saludable y cómprela online!
En canarius.com tratamos de ir más allá de los límites en el campo de la botánica. En nuestra tienda en línea tratamos de facilitar la compra de plantas de cualquier parte del mundo. Por eso, cultivamos desde las especies más comunes hasta las plantas más especiales, como podrá ver en esta sección.
The most popular cold-hardy palm of all times. This species will grow outdoors with little effort almost anywhere in Europe.
This palm is a best seller in Europe. It is a small frost hardy palm with small and stiff fan leaves - only about 60 cm across. It is not known in the wild, only in cultivation, because it is compact cultivar of Trachycarpus fortunei, selected in China by Japanese horticolturists. It can take snow and frost, surviving to -15 C or -25 C, depending on local...
Trachycarpus latisectus is one of the most attractive palms in this frost-hardy genus. Its leaves have exceptionally wide segments and a thick, ringed trunk, coated with reddish-brown fibers when young. We offer some fantastic tall adult specimes which are seldom found in Europe.
This palm is a best seller in Europe. It is a small frost hardy palm with small and stiff fan leaves - only about 60 cm across. It is not known in the wild, only in cultivation, because it is compact cultivar of Trachycarpus fortunei, selected in China by Japanese horticolturists. It can take snow and frost, surviving to -15 C or -25 C, depending on local...
Beautiful wooly plant native to Mexico. It sheds all branches for a few weeks or few months in the bad season and then comes back. All leaves are coated with white threads and large pink flowers emerge profusely. It is very easy to grow.
Succulent plant with "purple & green" leaves. formerly called Rhoeo spathacea. It is commonly grown as an ornamental potted plant or a ground cover in sunny frost-free areas.
Variegated, striped, selection of the popular green-and-purple Caribbean perennial. This plant produces a raibow of colours as the white stripes mix up with purple and green.
his is possibly the most beautiful variegated Trycirtis: it is a Japanese variegated selection of a Taiwanese species. 'Autumn Glow' has wide edges of yellow leaf margins. Cream and purple freckled 6-petaled flowers.
Beautiful palm from "colder" Brazil, with flat fan leaves and long spiny leaf sheaths.
Clumping perennial, perfect in pots or in the rock garden. The leaves are green, with white to cream margins, holding beautiful lilac flowers. Tulbaghias are very easy to grow. They tolerate drought, frost and wet conditions. Flowers are edible, they taste much like garlic and they are popular in salads.
This is an elegant variegated clone of the popular garlic flower. Leaves are striped in white and flowers are pink-purple, just as in the typical wild species.
Small shrub from Central America and the Caribbean, called "yellow buttercup" because of its golden flowers. It is easy to grow in warm conditions and it is often used as a "filler" in mixed borders or other plantings.
Miniature shrub from South Africa with a swollen base. It is a winter grower, but T. bucholzianus is the only species in its genus that can grow new branches without leaves.
Important medicinal and endangered climber in the Asclepiad branch of the Apocynaceae family, commonly called as “Antmool”.
Typhonium circinnatum is a dwarf tuberous species that makes a beautiful bright silvery leaf and a small inflorescence held close to the ground.
Resistant to Zone 7b. Cultivated for traditional Chinese medicine Also known as Typhonium divaricatum var. roxburghii . Taiwan, Yunnan [Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Japan (Bonin Islands), Malaysia, New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand]
Aquatic aroid from Madagascar and E Africa. It is a magnificent ornamental plant for tropical and subtropical ponds. It is very easy to grow. People in colder countries can overwintered it in a bucket, but it can also be kept in a large bucket for years.
Very ornamental caudex-forming shrub from Southern Madagascar. It is an easy species and it is rather fast growing and free-blooming when grown in hot coastal weather.
Uncarina ihlenfeldtiana grows as a small, sparsely branched shrub and grows up to 3 meters high.
Shrubby caudiciform from Madagascar, with a long flowering season. It can grow to anything between 40 cm and 2 m in height, according to the conditions. It was described as recently as 1996 by Dr. W. Rauh. This species has two forms, with different types of leaves. This is the entire leaf form. We offer a 1-2 year old caudex: 3-5 cm diameter
En estos momentos tenemos pocos productos en esta categoría Plantas generales