Aechmea nudicalis Ver más grande

Aechmea nudicaulis green

Aechmea nudicaulis is a Bromeliad species in the genus Aechmea, which is often used as an ornamental plant. This species is native to Central America, the West Indies, central and southern Mexico, and northern and central South America.

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Aechmea nudicaulis is a Bromeliad species in the genus Aechmea, which is often used as an ornamental plant. This species is native to Central America, the West Indies, central and southern Mexico, and northern and central South America.

Pictures of flower from Wikimedia commons, cropped and light-adjusted:

Marcia Stefani - Aechmea nudicaulis, CC BY 2.0,

Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie América
Forma presentación A raíz desnuda
Familia Botánica Bromeliaceae
Luz Sol
Tipo de planta Herbácea
Cuidados Maceta
Forma Herbáceas