Nuevo ¡Oferta! Anthurium wendlingeri Ver más grande

Anthurium wendlingeri

Truly exotic aroid with narrow and long, penduluous , dark leaves and an unusal corkscrew inflorescence.

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68,00 €

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Truly exotic aroid with narrow and long, penduluous, dark leaves- It also produce an unusal inflorescence with an elegant spiralling corkscrew spadix.

Anthurium wendlingeri is rather slow but it is tough, resisting to the occasional spell of wind or hot and dry air. Of course, it does better hanging in a basket or from a branch. It is native to SE. Nicaragua to NW. Colombia
Cultivada Protegido
Origen de la especie América
Forma presentación En maceta (mezcla de sustratos)
Familia Botánica Araceae
Luz Media
Tipo de planta Herbácea
Color Verde
Color Rojo
Cuidados Plantas de interior
Forma Trepadoras